홈페이지 > 게임스토어 > Guardians of the Zodiac: Otome
  • 그래픽
  • 나이스브금
  • 갓겜수준
  • 굿스토리
  • 과금할만함
4 명의 평점, 5 명의 리뷰
Guardians of the Zodiac: Otome is a simulation game developed by Genius Inc.


You’re a young college student studying an ancient scroll, which is said to have ties to the Chinese Zodiac. Though it hasn't been opened for centuries, you manage to remove its seal. Before you can read it, a flash of light blinds you and the scroll is stolen from your hands!

Luckily three handsome Zodiac Guardians appear and offer to help recover the scroll. You soon learn that the content of the scroll is the yin and yang that keeps the universe in balance. If someone tampers with it, it may destroy the world as you know it...

You'll have to act fast to get the scroll back, since the Zodiac boys’ personalities all seem to clash. To make matters worse, they’re all hung up on the results of the Great Race held between the Zodiac animals centuries ago, and see this as their second chance to prove themselves.

Can you help these boys work together to save the universe? Will this be the year you find true love? Discover your destiny in Guardians of the Zodiac!


Year of the Tiger- Xin
Coming in third place in the Great Race, this cocky tiger feels he was cheated out of a win. He's not a fan of you or the other Zodiac, and is determined to show his worth by getting the scroll back before anyone else. Can you convince him to work with the others, and show him that rank isn't everything?

Year of the Dragon- Shuo
The silent and beautiful member of the Zodiac, this stoic dragon seems to have a good head on his shoulders and a strong desire to help others... Yet he keeps himself isolated and distant. Can you help him heal from his trauma and feel love again as you work together to take back the scroll?

Year of the Boar - Han
This sweet, cheerful himbo of the Zodiac would do anything to protect you. After finishing last in the Great Race, no one took him seriously until you came around. Though impulsive and somewhat oblivious, he makes up for it with his big heart and resolve to retrieve the scroll. Determined to earn his place among the Zodiac, will you help this lovable meathead reach his goal?
그래픽 갓겜수준 과금할만함 굿스토리 나이스브금 3.4
4 명의 평점, 5 명의 리뷰
QRCode Guardians of the Zodiac: Otome 十二生肖守護者 해당기기에 설치됩니다 Genius Inc

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