Liltway is a rhythm action RPG game developed by Zoo .

In this game , you  need to tap to the rhythm of the music, collect materials and upgrade your equipment to defeat enemies.

What is Lilt Way? 
"Liltway" is a hack and slash RPG that performs actions according to the rhythm.
Develop battles to the rhythm, proceed with exploration, collect materials, strengthen equipment, and challenge powerful enemies.

Slash with the rhythm!
Let's proceed with the exploration with actions that match the rhythm and collect materials.
Craft and enhance equipment based on the collected materials, challenge powerful enemies, and explore deeper.

◆ Equipment crafting and strengthening
You can use the materials and gold obtained during exploration to strengthen your equipment and craft new equipment.
By strengthening it, it will be easier to proceed with the search.

◆ Character changes depending on equipment
The appearance of the character also changes depending on the equipment.
Let's coordinate pixel design characters in your own way.
그래픽 갓겜수준 과금할만함 굿스토리 나이스브금 3.4
13 명의 평점, 21 명의 리뷰
QRCode Lilt Way 輕盈之路 해당기기에 설치됩니다 ZOO

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