홈페이지 > 게임스토어 > TOUCHSTARVED
TOUCHSTARVED is an Adventure games developed by Red Spring Studio. It will be released on PC ( Steam platform ).

You were born cursed, with hands that twist the mind of any human you touch. Desperation leads you to the shadowy city of Eridia, where your fate intertwines with 5 monstrous strangers. Each can offer you salvation…or damnation.
How far will you go to cure yourself?
Choose your main character’s pronouns and origin story, and guide them through a thrilling journey with branching storylines, character based routes, and multiple endings. Your choices determine whether the story ends with gothic romance or blood-curdling horror. Will you lose your humanity in search for a cure, or will you find a way to save yourself and those you love?
QRCode TOUCHSTARVED TOUCHSTARVED 해당기기에 설치됩니다 Red Spring Studio

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