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☞ 다른 버전: 한국버전

Undecember is a hack and slash, dark-themed ARPG developed by Needs Games and published by LINE Games. The game is available on PC, iOS, and Android. 

■ UNCHANGED – Unchanged Values
Immersive storyline and growth through hunting and farming
Fun and excitement, while pursuing the unchanged values of a RPG

■ UNEXPECTED – A Perfect RPG Beyond Expectations
Venture through countless maps with diverse themes
And experience the unexpected thrills of combat

■ UNLIMITED – Limitless Skill Combinations
Surpass the limit by creating thousands of
skill combinations from various Skill and Link Runes

■ UNDEFINED – Freedom of Style
Instead of choosing a class, enjoy building up
your own character based on your combat style

■ UNSTOPPABLE – Endless Contents
From Raids to Guild Battlegrounds!
Test your limits through multiple available contents

Check the latest UNDECEMBER news from the Official Community!
[Brand Site]

ⓒ LINE Games Corporation & Needs Games Inc. All Rights Reserved.

■ Minimum Requirements
- OS Android 7.0 (Nougat) RAM 2GB

■ Optional Access
The following access is requested upon use.
You may still continue using the service without the specific feature even if access is declined.
- Photos/Media/Files: Allows attaching files saved in the device when posting at the Official Community.
- External Storage: Required to write game data in the external storage.

[How to Remove Access]
- Android 6.0 or above: Settings > Apps > Select Category > Permissions > Allow or Remove Access
- Lower than Android 6.0: Update the OS to Remove Access or Uninstall the App
그래픽 갓겜수준 과금할만함 굿스토리 나이스브금 4.1
112 명의 평점, 130 명의 리뷰
QRCode Undecember 惡月十三 - Undecember | 國際版 해당기기에 설치됩니다 LINE Games

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