홈페이지 > 게임스토어 > Last Kiss Before Summer
Last Kiss Before Summer is a visual novel developed by Genius Studio Japan Inc..


An unknown illness has gripped you since birth, stranding you indoors most of your life. Despite this, you've spent your days happily learning about the world around you. But recently, your illness has progressed rapidly, leaving you with only 33 days left to live! Determined to make the most of your time, you enroll in school and seek out experiences you’ve never had before—like love. Will your last days be as blissful as you’d hoped?


Susan — The Brat

‘If you're going to die, why bother even making memories?’

Impolite, blunt, and abrasive, Susan rubs some people the wrong way. As the smartest student at Rosenberry High and daughter of the principal, she thinks she’s better than everyone else and can act with impunity. So what happens when you enroll and not only take her place as top of the class, but also start enacting some long overdue discipline?

Mira — The Loner

‘I’ll help you in any way I can!’

Overly optimistic Mira is your first friend at Rosenberry High. She’s always happy and smiling, but despite appearances, she holds a dark secret that weighs heavily on her mind... Determined to make sure you have the time of your life, she tends to take things too far, often causing more problems than she solves. Are you overthinking things, or is there a reason she’s so intent on helping you?

Julie — The Sleuth

‘I don't want to experience losing a friend again.’

Scarred from the death of her closest friend many years ago, Julie is hesitant to open up to anyone. When she's assigned to help you around the school, she tries to make sure not to get too close… but then you’re partnered for an assignment, and she's forced to spend even more time with you. As the distance between you shrinks, will she fall for you, or be forced to say a heart-breaking goodbye?
그래픽 갓겜수준 과금할만함 굿스토리 나이스브금 0.0
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