홈페이지 > 게임스토어 > NETFLIX Before Your Eyes
  • 그래픽
  • 나이스브금
  • 갓겜수준
  • 굿스토리
  • 과금할만함
3 명의 평점, 3 명의 리뷰
NETFLIX Before Your Eyes is an adventure game developed by Netflix, Inc.

Available exclusively for Netflix members.

Embark on an emotional first-person adventure where you control the story — and affect the outcome — with your real-life blinks.

Dive into a world of memories and experience a soul’s journey into the afterlife as your whole life flashes before your eyes.

It all begins after you die. You're aboard the ship of a mysterious man tasked with shepherding souls to the afterlife. To help you pass on, he must learn the story of your life. Then he sends you back to relive your most important moments.

The game uses your device's camera to fully immerse you in the story. Control the flow of the narrative with your real-life eyes – blinking through precious memories of family, first love and the birth of an artistic career. Dare to look deeper and delve into your most repressed memories, where a heartbreaking truth awaits.

Combining an innovative blink-interaction mechanic with a charming world and fully voice-acted story, Before Your Eyes is a deeply emotional and relatable journey — one that explores the impossible expectations we place on ourselves and the regrets we carry with us.
그래픽 갓겜수준 과금할만함 굿스토리 나이스브금 4.9
3 명의 평점, 3 명의 리뷰
QRCode NETFLIX Before Your Eyes NETFLIX Before Your Eyes 用眼睛玩 해당기기에 설치됩니다 Netflix, Inc.

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