Journey of the Homesick Cat is a casual simulation game developed by TOHO Games. This is the first game that is based on "Gorogoro Nyansuke", a popular LINE sticker series created by Tsumugi Murasato. This game is currently available on both iOS and Android and supports Japanese only.
The story of Journey of the Homesick Cat revolves around the brothers of Gorogoro Nyansuke, who have found themselves very far away from home. As the brothers are so poor, they are struggling to find their way home. Luckily, the generous Rapper-san has lent them a food truck to cook and make money from it so that the brothers can go back to their sweet home. Players can embark on this cute yet challenging journey with the Gorogoro Nyansuke brothers.
When it comes to the gameplay of Journey of the Homesick Cat, players can expect an adorable raising sim with a variety of interesting elements. First, players need to merge different ingredients or food items to invent new recipes. Then, serve the delicious food to the Nyansuke customers to earn money. This is the only way to get closer and closer to home! Another unique feature of this game is called the "Nyanstagram", which is a social platform-like mechanism that collects pictures from different places in-game to form a lovely album. Apart from cute stories, players can also find hints about new recipes in these Nyanstagram posts.
If you are a casual game lover or a fan of the Gorogoro Nyansuke series, then this game is definitely worth a try!