홈페이지 > 게임스토어 > High School Fighters
High School Fighters is a simulation game developed by Genius Studio Japan Inc. In this game, you will be joining a karate dojo as a high schooler to learn martial art so that you can protect yourself from bullies. Except for the strict training that you will find challenging, you might realize something romantic between you and three other girls in the dojo growing little by little.


You and your best friend have been picked on by the same bullies for as long as you can remember. One day, right when the two of you are cornered, a mysterious girl comes to your rescue and fights off your pursuers! Inspired, you immediately join her at Toushinryuu Karate Dojo.

Once you’ve taken your first step into the world of karate, you find yourself on a journey that will test your body, mind, and heart.


Junko — The Karate Prodigy

Strong and composed, Junko is a karate expert and your inspiration for taking up martial arts. Despite being popular with the students of Toushinryuu Karate Dojo, she prefers to keep to herself and dedicates all of her time to training.

Learning from her will be the key to ridding yourself of bullies once and for all, but do you have what it takes to reach her level and get her attention?

Shion — The Fiery Kickboxer

Shion is full of fights, brashly kicking down the doors of Toushinryuu and challenging everyone there. Her skills are definitely no joke—she’s even able to stand her ground against Junko. Despite her combative nature, Shion takes martial arts seriously, leading you to wonder—why is she so driven to become No. 1?

Hana — The Hardworking Beginner

Hana is a novice at Toushinryuu Karate Dojo, just like you! Despite her youthful looks, she's a college student who is more than capable of putting you in your place if you skip practice. When it comes time to shine in matches, however, her anxiety often gets the best of her. Can you give Hana the confidence boost she needs to rise through the ranks?
그래픽 갓겜수준 과금할만함 굿스토리 나이스브금 4.3
3 명의 평점, 0 명의 리뷰
QRCode High School Fighters 高校打手 해당기기에 설치됩니다 Genius Studio Japan Inc.

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