홈페이지 > 게임스토어 > RPG Sword of Elpisia
  • 그래픽
  • 나이스브금
  • 갓겜수준
  • 굿스토리
  • 과금할만함
14 명의 평점, 13 명의 리뷰
RPG Sword of Elpisia pixel RPG developed by  KEMCO. In this game, players will embark on an adventure of sword and magic in the land of Terra as the protagonist, Aldo, and his partner Alice.

On Terra, a world whose civilization developed thanks to magic tools, there are frequent cases of people being turned into magic swords. Alice, a girl who is traveling with Aldo, the main character, chooses to become a sword to rescue her friends. Will their journey and encounters lead them to a predetermined fate?

Throw yourself into the beautiful, complex turn-based battles, using magic swords with up to three weapons set! The overwhelming charm of pixelated graphics surround your entire world and adventure in a unique fantasy JRPG. Not to mention all the necessary elements from treasure hunting, quests, pet buddies to almost-infinite level caps!
그래픽 갓겜수준 과금할만함 굿스토리 나이스브금 4.4
14 명의 평점, 13 명의 리뷰
QRCode RPG Sword of Elpisia 埃爾皮西亞的魔劍少女 해당기기에 설치됩니다 KEMCO

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