홈페이지 > 게임스토어 > A Monster's Expedition
A Monster's Expedition is a puzzle game developed by Draknek, currently only iOS (Apple Arcade) and PC versions. 【Steam Purchase: Link
A group of monsters curious about humans will embark on a captivating and relaxing puzzle adventure in an open world.

■This captivating open world puzzle game is created by the production team of " Snowman Difficulty " and " Cosmic Express "
■Simple yet profound mechanics make this game full of possibilities yet to be discovered
■Hundreds of islands - some are right in front of you, while others are off the beaten track and waiting for true puzzle enthusiasts to discover
■Learn about mysterious humans from the perspective of curious monsters

Producer Twitter: @Draknek
QRCode A Monster's Expedition 怪獸遠征 해당기기에 설치됩니다 Draknek

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