홈페이지 > 게임스토어 > Red: Pride of Eden (CBT)

[해당 게임은 서비스를 종료하였습니다.]


[This is the beta version of the game. All data in the beta server WILL NOT be transferred when the formal server comes out.
Beta server open period: 4 June 10:00 ~ 13 June 18:00 (JST) ]

Red: Pride of Eden
is a RPG developed by YOOZOO. There will be 50 furry girls with different characteristics for players to choose from. Players will form a team called "Pride" with the girls and start an adventure together. During the journey, players can increase intimacy and develop a close relationship with them.

"Eden" is a land with no "animals".
The girls here will develop various abilities in a specific time.
Some will get extra strength. Some will gain magical power and some will get animal ears and claws. These girls are known as "RED".
"RED" once formed an adventure team called "Pride" in order to clear missions. However, the relationships between "RED" and human are not that friendly.
In fact, human are scared of "RED". Therefore, human came up with a plan to restrict them.
They set a rule that the leader of "Pride" must be a human.
그래픽 갓겜수준 과금할만함 굿스토리 나이스브금 3.7
107 명의 평점, 134 명의 리뷰
QRCode レッド:プライドオブエデン(先行プレイ) Red: Pride of Eden(先行體驗版) 해당기기에 설치됩니다 YOOZOO Inc.

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