홈페이지 > 게임스토어 > Kiss of Darkness:Romance you choose
Discover your true love in this unique Romance Otome Game from Genius Inc!


You’re an officer on the police force who’s been assigned to investigate a series of murders involving women having all of their life sucked out of them. It’s almost as if they were victims of an incubus’ powers. You’re puzzled by these murders, but your partner George seems to know something about what’s going on…

On your way home from your first day on the case, you pass a strange man and suddenly you feel a slight pain on your neck. You don’t think of it much, but the next night, you’re suddenly attacked by a man with strange powers! He seems to just absorb your life force, but just as you think you’re a goner an amazingly powerful and handsome man is able to save you!

It turns out that this man named Peter is an incubus from a world parallel to our own and that the murderer is also one of his own kind. But Peter, along with his partner Harry are on the side of justice and are here to prevent this mad man from creating havoc in our world.

You and your partner George form an uneasy alliance with these two otherworldly officers to apprehend the criminal… But what happens when emotions start to develop between you and your coinvestigators…?


Harry - The Tortured Incubi

Harry is a constable from the world where incubi live and has come to our world to arrest a powerful criminal that’s on the loose. He’s generally reserved and mature, but deep down is a tortured soul that struggles with his identity as a “monster.” It seems that some kind of event in the past has left his heart deeply scarred, but will you be the one to help him overcome it?

Peter - The Confident Incubi

Peter is another constable that works alongside Harry and is never afraid to be proud of his achievements… Or his good looks. He has vowed to protect humans from rogue incubi, but he has a tendency to see humans as weaker than his own kind. Because of this, he can be a little condescending at times, but could there be a heart of gold hidden beneath all that?

George - The Trustworthy Cop

George is your partner on this investigation, and as a fellow cop, he’s someone you feel like you can really trust. He lost one of his partners in an investigation involving an incubus in the past and that fuels his determination to solve this new string of murders. As your partner, he feels responsible for your safety, but is that really all he feels towards you?
그래픽 갓겜수준 과금할만함 굿스토리 나이스브금 4.1
4 명의 평점, 1 명의 리뷰
QRCode Kiss of Darkness:Romance you choose 黑暗之吻 해당기기에 설치됩니다 Genius Inc

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