Spectrum is an adventure game developed by LearnDistrict Inc.

“Spectrum” is a 2D platformer, fantasy game in which ‘sprites’, small pixie-like creatures, are taking over the bodies of other creatures on Earth. The challenge is to navigate the different worlds to complete your quests and ultimately save sprite-invaded humans.

Play as Amory, a human thrown into a wild battle for survival with no memories of their own. Master your own sprite’s powers to complete missions for the mysterious Madame Boss and unlock the secrets of the sprites.

Spectrum was designed by Krista, 18, a finalist of Google Play’s Change the Game Design Challenge. In partnership with Girls Make Games, Krista worked with GMG’s development team to bring her game to life.

About Girls Make Games:
Girls Make Games runs summer camps and workshops that teach girls ages 8-18 how to design and code video games. For more information, visit www.girlsmakegames.com
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