YuMe is a puzzle game developed by LearnDistrict Inc.

“YuMe” is a dream-like, fantasy hidden objects game. The game follows the main character, Yume, as she travels through the universe to find her home planet. Players will help Yume by solving puzzles and matching clues.

Yume has lived her whole life all alone on a desolate planet, with only her plants to call friends. When a spacecraft suddenly crashes by the lake outside her window, Yume can’t resist the call of adventure. Keep an eye out for clues and lead Yume home.

YuMe was designed by Neha, 15, a finalist of Google Play’s Change the Game Design Challenge. In partnership with Girls Make Games, Neha worked with GMG’s development team to bring her game to life.

About Girls Make Games:
Girls Make Games runs summer camps and workshops that teach girls ages 8-18 how to design and code video games. For more information, visit www.girlsmakegames.com
그래픽 갓겜수준 과금할만함 굿스토리 나이스브금 5.0
4 명의 평점, 3 명의 리뷰
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