ホーム > ゲームストア > HER TEARS WERE MY LIGHT
HER TEARS WERE MY LIGHT is a simulation game developed by NomnomNami.

This is the mobile version of HER TEARS WERE MY LIGHT: a visual novel originally created for NaNoRenO 2016.

It's a yuri love story about time and space. as time, you can move forward, backward, or warp to any moment you create a save point for. can you use that power to save space from her feelings of loneliness?
Features: girls kissing! 3 endings, opendyslexic text option, plus spanish, french, german, korean, chinese, and russian language options. a full playthrough takes about half an hour.

Content advisory: mild horror elements. incredibly sappy romance.
story and character art by NomnomNami

Backgrounds by Emmit

Music by LydianChord

Translations: HunterTraducciones (spanish), LaChouette (french), Lisa Petermann (german), KyleHeren (korean), HomYvan (chinese), and tinenmi (Tuna Std.), River (russian)
グラフィック 面白さ 課金意欲 物語 音楽 4.8
124人の評価,89 件のコメント
QRCode HER TEARS WERE MY LIGHT 她的眼淚曾是我的光芒 あなたの端末にインストールします NomnomNami
