《幽遊白書》的故事,從 14 歲的不良少年浦飯幽助因為車禍身故開始,由於生死簿判斷他陽壽未盡,所以受到靈界地府的委託,化身為靈界偵探而在現世重生,打擊世間的妖邪。這款《幽遊白書~魔界統一最強戰》大量採用了原作的故事內容,配合質感十分接近動畫版本的過場畫面,以及超任版本的電玩背景音樂,將玩家們印象深刻的場景一一重現,渲染力十足。
An ad Yu Yu Hakusho did with beverage maker Suntory lol
Topic: Which anime is the best?
We want to know your best anime - This is for science ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). What? We just want pictures of good looking waifu and husbando? NO! We are just professional otaku that do researches.
Go ahead and post PICTURES of your favorite anime in NOTE! Don’t forget to hashtag it with #BestAnime ! Rewards are given to those with most likes!