ダイスの神 評価

ĐậuXanh ダイスの神


With strong decks you can outplay other players ez
pompomPoro ダイスの神


Played this for 3 years and so far I've been a free to play player. Yes, it is true that the game is really pay to win with better cards,characters and items but so far it only applies to tournaments. Normal Matches don't really have overpowered players much so it's kind of a safe haven.

I like how the game is about strategy and it's kind of unique in my opinion. They give out 1k diamonds every update regarding about new characters or seasons so be in the look out for that.

It is sad that f2p players stare at the gacha and see these op looking cards and it just defeats your batch/deck so much. For me, I'd recommend rolling for cards when you get the 1k diamonds every update. Characters really don't mean much if you have Alice's New Year or OG since it'll just carry you to the higher leagues.

Upgrading your items and everything is too difficult to be honest like too many diamonds that are difficult to obtain easily and these character upgrade cards that are impossible to look for??

If you do have crap cards, that's definitely gonna be the end of you. Don't put "Turn-Limited" cards too much because often times a game ends in around 15 or 12 rounds. With starter hands, fill it with "Conquer-Related" cards so it's faster to get cities. Those kind of cards do have some luck based but it will all depend on your dice sometimes.

At least for me, often times my opponent's hand is pretty predictable. I mostly have "Counter" cards in my deck since they can bitch slap the opponent's voodoo effects on me or something like that easily.

The fastest way to win a match is literally "Toll-Boosts" and "Conquer-Cities" deck/cards. Conquer as much cities as you can in the first 5 rounds and apply toll increase in them then with some Abracadabra magic, you can pull em, push em, tornado em, teleport em or some card that has a reason to move em then bam!

One opponent bankrupt then repeat for the 2 opponents or you can just wipe them both instantly. They do have items that counter your teleportation trickery so back-up plan just in case.

Overall, the game is fun and free to play if you stick to the normal matching that consists of newbie players. Tournaments and some other fancy modes do get you bankrupt instantly since that's where pay to win players dine [開心][開心][開心]
Mishaun Dewberry ダイスの神


its a really good game but the fact you need to pay actual money to get better stuff sucks and i already some people are going to comment on this and say some stuff but i dont care im just saying if you didn't have to pay actual money to better 🎲 this would be so much better and I'm not saying its pay to win
[[Lunatic]] ダイスの神


Расскажу честно, как ветеран этой игры с 2016 года, игра для тебя в фри ту плее не оставит равнодушность, будет сложно но если приноровиться и придрочится - и все выучить более менее то играть можно. Донатить в нее не стоит, потому что там все сильно кусается по ценам и если и быть там донатером как таковым, то уж лучше не кидать туда слишком много сил и времени и денег соответственно. Все как в монополии, но уже карточками и персонажами, где предстоит обанкротить своих соперников самыми изощрёнными способами и различными ловушками и стратегиями, самое что тут решает - это исключительно карточки, персонаж и билд с аксессуарами который в основном будет влиять на твою стратегию ведения игры. Все нужно выкачивать до предела и аксы и карточки и все что только можно, но вся суть в том, чтобы предугадать мувы своих противников и если ты попадешь в беду, не ставать на "смертельные для тебя города", или же с помощю карт и аксов перекрутить игру в свою сторону. Короче, тут можно дофига чего сделать)))
Gamermoment ダイスの神


I'll be honest here, this game is very p2w, however that doesn't mean that it's impossible to win, in my situation i got some starter diamonds and good character + dice, and some cards.
This game is very luck based and without any good 5 or six stars (at least) you won't make it that far, well unless you wait for event that can give you 1k (every event has missions that in the end give you 1k diamonds)

At the end of the day, the game is good, not perfect, but it's nice
futto ダイスの神


This game is actually my favorite game now,
it's a pretty good game and i've been playing it nonstop since i discovered it, though i did delete it since my storage is getting full but i installed it again bcs it's just so fun, i see a lot of review of people saying that this game needs to pay for good stuff well yes i guess so but tbh i don't think you really need to pay the game is pretty enjoyable itself without having to pay for anything, and i think every other games need to pay for good stuff so it's not that big of a problem for me, but i do have some troubles with this game like sometimes it kicks me out of the game and sometimes it just freezes which makes me lose, i have a pretty good internet connection so idk if it's just because my phone is too out of date but yeah..[汗顏][汗顏][汗顏]
Gabriel Owo ダイスの神


Es increible el juego, me agrada mucho el diseño de los personajes, tiene una buena historia y lo que me hace un poco de gracias es que me recuerda al juego de mesa Monopoly [怪笑]
MewShadow ダイスの神


This game is amazing! I've been playing this game since high school and I love it! It's practically like a bizarre version of monopoly! [哇噻][哇噻][哇噻] Plus it looks so much better on Chromebook than the game does on phone
Anita Revergeen ダイスの神


I hope the matching system would be more fair. It's not fun playing when you're already lost in few turns.
zulik ダイスの神


this is one of the best games i've ever played i'm literally obsessed with it
Muaz Baihaqi ダイスの神


At first I thought this game is like trash but fortunately it's not. I tried it and surprisingly it's nice and it's similar like monopoly and I like it very much. And the beginners gift is not that bad. A good one, probably. thats all. thank you for reading my review. :')
Daniel Felipe Dictto Millan ダイスの神


Es un juego muy divertido de tirar dados en juego de mesa y so modalidad es muy creativa
RealmAnime ダイスの神


this game is actually great ngl i installed this 2 weeks ago, now im currently ranked at diamond in genius league, and they're really generous with ad rewards. (but they've had an ridiculously expensive stuff) and also the storyline is somewhat great. but overall pretty great monopoly game lol .
Houyi Flamevell Destiny Dragon ダイスの神


This game is a good one! I never seen a game like this before
Fei ダイスの神


I'll just say that the game is pretty f2p friendly, for me and others, at least. i really like this game. It's very addicting [委屈][害羞]
VnoirS ダイスの神


update failed
Kirito Kazuto Meme Lord ダイスの神


the game is good and funny, it is a little bit lag but i think it just my phone
sonobrine ダイスの神


this is one of my favourite mobile's game.
Gaburieru ダイスの神


perfect p2w game uwu


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