Pokémon Trading Card Game Live 評価
So, what's good about this game?
Unlike Master Duel, PTCGL gives you an almost ready-to-go deck that only requires you to alter some cards to make the engine rolling. Plus, the crafting system is great, giving you access to all the available card with one currency that also lets you craft whatever kind of rarity the card offers.
Also, unlike Master Duel, you can build and test decks vs. AI even if you don't own any of the cards. How cool is that? You can try whatever things that work for you before fully committing on crafting them.
and.... what's bad about the game? everything else
- the presentation is too boring that it felt lifeless
- it feels like a sterile card game, Master Duel made every single action impactful, but PTCGL made me feel like I'm playing actual card game with added boring effect
- swipe trainer card to the center to activate its effect instead of letting you press and confirm
- the player avatar is....... atrocious. Look at Pokemon Unite, it has the style reminiscent to mainline game. Heck, even Pokemon GO character looks way better than whatever mess this offers
- the BGM and SFX? absolutely boring and lifeless, heck, you can barely hear it as it's too muted even with the volume adjusted
- Interface is even worse on PC as there are many empty areas
Should you play now? No, just wait until it's globally released so you don't have to go through all the hassle of running VPN only to be disappointed by the product itself. Don't get me wrong, for a faithful Pokemon TCG, it plays great, but if you do care about overall presentation then you'll be disappointed like many did when transitioning from TCG Online.
This game doesn't even available in Asia despite Pokemon originates from there. What's the point of being developed by The Pokemon Company INTERNATIONAL if it couldn't reach the whole global world.
Legalzin, nso precisei de vpn...
For starters, the power-creep is real. I didn't think TCG would change as drastically as the mainline video games, but there I go being naieve. Back in the day you could use something as simple as Raticate and/or Fearow and still be able to win. Now-a-days, it's all about Legendaries and EX cards that can just sweep and kill the opposing team in like 1-2 turns (not counting the turn you can't attack... which is also new and dumb) combined with trainer cards that just give you free shit right off the bat. Back then, even with Bill and Professor Oak, you had to actually work to set-up your team, and powerful pokemon required more energy to attack. Some of these new cards not only have powerful pokemon that only need little energy but they don't even have any negative side effects like you'd expect them to. They also have cards from past gens, but you can't use them in standard play, so you'll be forced to stay in the non-ranking mode if you want any sort of fun and variety, and even then you'll still encounter the same default decks with the same strategies because screw creativity I guess. Its basically SMOGON TCG version, and it suffers because of it.
This just makes me want to play the GameBoy game again, and even the sequel that never got a US release.