Personally,I prefer konosuba over rezero mainly cuz of combat system.Anyway,let's start reviewing about this wonderful game.To play the game,download Hola VPN then choose Hong Kong.To reroll,android/data/rename tw.wonderplanet.fantasticdays & do obb file the same,clear app data then rename them back to original.U can check jp tier list on fandom if u get annoyed from looking at words.In short,aim for melissa or iris or erika for main dps & cielo or amy for supp.U can clear the whole game if u include any of those in ur rerolls.The more 4star u have,the better anyway.Just be sure to include above ones.Rate is 4% & the game is pretty generous with crystals & tickets.I made a full CN Tier List under timeline so be sure to go check it out if u have free time.Each character has one basic attack,two skills & one ultimate during battle.The ultimate grows with intimacy lvl.Skills can only be upgraded with duplicate cards.Limit-breaking is same as usual by grinding rank-up materials.That's all,folks.Thanks for taking ur precious time just to read this mountain of words.Have fun playing.
what free v pn that i can use ,can someone tell me?
มาแล้ว โคโนะสึบะเวอร์ชั่นภาษาจีนดั้งเดิม ล๊อกอินด้วยระบบ gmail พรุ้งฟริ้งเทรินเบส คงความเวอร์และความเกรียนเหมือนเดิม
no me deja entrar me sale un mensaje apreto la unica opcion y me sale lo mismo descargue un vpn y no me deja tampoco
creo que no me deja entrar al juego pero esta bien bueno![[開心]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
มันเล่นได้หรือยังอะver.นี้ แล้วใช้ vpn ป่าว
this version use vpn?
Seriously? ! Vpn again? Rubbish
connection error. with or without vpn
Vpn required, only for taiwan, hong kong and macau
just a konosuba fan hahaha