NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版 評価

NekoAiri NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


I don't know what kind of flashy gameplay people even expected on a story-heavy game. Most of these people reviewing in English here just don't know Japanese and don't feel like translating it, so they miss out the literal essence of the game and focus on the game play, which by the way is not the main thing. For some weird reasons, it received negative reviews because they literally don't get it? Like is it even the game's fault that you signed up for something that wasn't designed for you? I could say the same about how FGO offers shit tier anything and still gets applauses out of thin air because of the franchise.

EX skills? Ultimste skills? Why? Unnecessary. If you want to get a kick out of high-paced action go play PC games or something. This is an atmospheric game where you're supposed to discover their stories, not masturbate to skill animations. Also please, you wanna put your phone to overload with heavy animation? Up to you, but a lot of people don't take them risks because it would be stupid.

The story has 9 chapters, with a bunch of quests and quest stories, character stories even, and y'all play for 2-3 days then proceed to complain while not even trying to discover all of it. I bet a bunch still struggle with the menu navigation. The game tells you to "read", not play through and skip like a wind blowing through a pond. If you read the tutorial you'd know the aims of these but let me be real, I don't think peabrains can bother.

Ah, the money issue. Yes. Get a damn job perhaps. Maybe that would help since you pay nothing and expect it to flood you with freebies. The currencies aren't even that expensive.

And pity on gacha? For real? And for what? If you feel like you love gacha that much you can always reroll for 2B or A2 or 9S, even 063 if you're a fan of him. 3★ characters are beyond usable enough.

I'm not saying the game play is great either. Simply stating that criticizing their game play and say something like "copying game abc" or "gacha this gacha that" is nonsensical. Both literally aren't the focus of this game. It's like giving a student grade C because they had a fault irrelevant to the main points.

[不滿] but keep on being disappointed at things that were literally told to you. You made the choice to play it so at least make a sensible argument on something that actually matters.

Xvan NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


Gameplayny bikin nostalgia FF series yg role-playing terutama FFXII, sasuga SQUARE ENIX ga nangung2 setelah booming Nier Automata smpe dpt re ver2nya blm lama lagi dpt kabar Nier Replicant remake pula. Sekarang release game device mobilenya[哇噻] Thx buat devlopernya terutama Yoko Taro-san[大哭]

Untuk tmn2 yg hendak bermain seperti biasa harap perhatikan spek deviceny dulu. Okey[厲害]
Alberto88 NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


No voy a recomendar este juego, no es por la gráfica o jugabilidad, sino por un problema mas bien de software que daña al hardware del smartphone, el loading queda en 33.33, de ahí no pasa y congela el smartphone, puede ser por muchas razones, no es compatible con todos los smartphone, no esta bién optimizado, o simplemente esta malo, ya que es muy raro que se congele los 4 smartphone que tengo en la misma parte 33.33 y que de ahí empiece a calentar el móvil sobre los 70 grados aprox...
Y mis equipos no son de gama baja los 4 son de 8 a 12 gb de ram y procesadores de alta gama.
Así que cuidado.

PD: se probó la última update.
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 Precaución 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

No instalen esta apk, provoca daños a la carpeta "Data" impide que otras app funcionen después de desinstalar la apk.
A los que les funcionan, tengan cuidado, ya fue revisada y es un malware, roba información sin que te des cuenta, desabiliten 2do plano de red y quitar permisos, si quieren arriesgar su smartphone con esta app.
La revisión viene de la original de google play, ya mandaron avisos para eliminarla de la tienda. No se sabe que carajos están pensando estos desarrolladores.

Ya se porqué mis smartphone reaccionaban así, era por el antivirus, se crea conflicto por el malware...
Así que cuidado...
Professor Shenlin NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


A story heavy game with great animations.

Great game for Nier fans
Also tip: tap the ghost thing 100 times for 3000 gems.

Gacha rates:

4 star characters is 2%
4 star weapons is 3%
3 star character is 5%
3 star weapons is 10%
2 star weapons is 80%

Gameplay is smooth

Game is mediocre and battle is boring but hey the graphics are good.

Changing my mind, im now casually playing the game again.
Ornshtein Dragonslayer NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


Особо не играл, но 5 поставлю потому что Йоко Таро гений

UPD: Особо поиграл, оставляю 5 потому что Йоко Таро гений
futatsuki92 Game Hunter NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


After play 2 days, here's the thing :

+Nice soundtrack/BGM
+You can explore and wondering around ruins
+Various characters from Automata
+Easy to play, even if you don't know Japanese
+Story heavy but, it was nice story
+Gorgeous graphics
+Fun (a little bit) mini games and puzzle
+F2P friendly

-Auto battle/auto pathing
-Grind heavy to get mats with limited stamina (but you can buy couple amount in the shop with gold)
-Not optimized yet for mid & low end devices

Conclusion :
Is this games worth to play? yes if you don't mind about auto battle and tend to experience Nier franchise world on your palm of handheld.
NuclearBomb NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


На старте игра пока что вполне не плохая несмотря на однообразие в боевке и цветовой политре. Технических проблем с игрой не было ( Mi 10 ). В итоге игра приятная но не настолько как тот же Геншин//. Боевка в игре по 2-3 комнаты(не новинка уже давно) Гача х10= 3 000 камней( но фарм в игре быстрый хоть и однообразно)Стиль игры выдержан в духе оригинала но кроме масштабных застроек в игре нет мобов для фана...пусто...беги от А до B и в конце будет финалка С и лестница в новую местность...полупустую...
LoliXXx NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


ok... NO les voy a mentir... Mis espectativas con este son bien altas, espero disfrutarlo mucho, mas ahora que sabemos que "Ya" estan trabajando en la traduccion, espero buenas cosas de el... 😀🤩
Nufahu NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


Хороший симулятор бега, всем рекомендую.
Dimas Dwiputranto NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


I may not play NieR series. But I know the story is good so I tried to play this game. Warning: Don't set the game graphic to High if you smartphone is potato. because it will process the game SO SLOW that you will stress when you play the game.

I can say it par with Blue Oath. The 3D is beautiful and the battle is smooth if you put 2x speed on it. If it slow, it feels like it's clunky. And here the scary part of this game for the graphic. If you setting it high with you potato smartphone. IT WILL BE LAGGY I CAN ASSURE YOU THAT!

The gameplay is interesting. You know, JRPG style. And I think, there's no battle turn like you see in every JRPG style game. And it's real time battle, which mean: It's not Turn battle, and they will attack by themselves. The skill however, is manual. So you have to click it. You can however, make it auto. So just enjoy the game and watch. Also, when you move the character in the Main Lobby (Yes, the main lobby is part of the game and you have to move your character to the quest) be very watchful of the Crow, as the crow bring you some item.

(Some say it's boring. But for it's not. Each people have different taste.)

It's . . . . . How do I said it? NieR alike? In my defense, it's eerie. But somehow, very . . . Relaxing? It's bring the game alive as the game NieR series always have that eerie vibe on it. But for some reason, it's relaxing for me.

It's NieR. So I don't have to say it in here . . . As i never play one. But from what i read on wikia, it's sad and /or anti climax . . . And when I play this game. Damn. Kinda sad yo.

At the very least, it's 4 star for me.

About the Gacha. The gacha is mix of Chara and Weapons in one banner. So basically, it's like FGO all over again which Chara and Card is in one banner. So take it with a grain of salt.

PS: Long Tutorial. But worth it. At the least, you still can Gacha.
НомерЧетыре NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


Играю ради 2B( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Laevine Game Hunter NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


O jogo é jogado tipo Final Fantasy mais antigos
gacha é igual Genshin Impact, nao vou cometer o mesmo erro duas vezes, aproveitem aí quem ta gostando muito do jogo com os óculos de fanboy, prefiro jogar o Automata de novo até lançarem o remake do replicant
RARA NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


grafik nya mantap, cuman kalau boleh tambahin bahasa Inggris agar mudah di pahami😸
Ximoac Nightcore NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


Sinceramente es un juego con muchisimo potencial, graficos excelentes y historia por lo poco que se de japones, tambien es muy bonita... pero el gameplay... literal no haces nada durante todo el juego porq se hace solo, no le encuentro el sentido a un juego automatico la verdad, lo unico que controlas son 2 ataques especiales q tardan en cargarse y la habilidad especial del personaje, mientras todo eso se carga solo miras y ya? No le veo la diversion xdxd si fuese con libertad de poder manejar el personaje por el mapa de batalla y un ataque de atacar normal mas 2 de especiales y la habilidad especial seria un excelente pero duele decir que esperaba mucho mas de un juego de Nier, donde todo suele ser frenetico y en este no haces nada 😅
W.klakasikit NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


✳️Nerthes✳️ NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


Primeros minutos, y ya la música inicial me pone los pelos de punta, es una maravilla lo que hacen con todas las músicas de la saga Nier.
igualmente y por mucho que me tiente, prefiero esperar una versión global para entender los textos, si no siento que no lo voy a disfrutar al máximo 🤣 toca esperar otro poco.
a los que entendais japonés, espero lo disfrutéis mucho 🌹
Lieylac NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


NieR Re[in]carnation is, as everyone expected, a story heavy game. I haven't gotten for enough to comment on it, but the game is fully voiced and very beautiful. If you liked Automata, there's currently a collab banner with A2, 9S, and 2B, so that alone might be incentive enough for you. The gacha rates are average, nothing bad but nothing to write home about.

The gameplay is where it clearly suffers. It plays out like a regular old turn-based RPG. It's a bit slow, and the animations are often lackluster, even with the stellar character designs of the NieR franchise. Between fights, the game is a walking sim. The environments are nice, but they get repetitive fairly quickly. Overall, not a lot to say. If you're interested in the NieR franchise, it's worth a shot. Otherwise, you aren't missing much.
Mr.Banana NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


Yoko taro strikes again, what i can say again.

Graphic is good, i running medium setting.

Gameplay: The battle is kinda similar to tales of crestoria etc. You can auto repeat stage from event/stage wwich is a good bonus since i personally kinda lazy to press button just for repeat stages again, because i have work to do. Many people complaining about ultimate skill is just normal attack with different animation. Well for me personally it's good, doesn't take too much time for ultimate animations = saving more time, more fast to clear stages etc. Once again it's just my personal opinion.
Yes is a walking simulator, you walk from one point to another point. And sometimes is too long, VERY long.

Gacha : Between good and evil lmao

Reroll : you can skip the damn long tutorial. So after you meet mama/the little ghost, and entering the desert map just press the mama icon on the bottom right. DONT PRESS THE AUTO WALK BUTTON OR YOU WILL MISS IT. You will skip all tutorial about combat etc and proceed to gacha page. This definitely will save your time, your sanity, and your cellular data if you not using WiFi.

Music/sound: Well it's nier tier. Very good

Conclusion : Well it's a worthy game to play, yeah it's long damn walk between one stage to another stage.
But it's still enjoyable for me. Just give it a try. If you doesn't like long walking between stages probably this is not the game for you.

P.S : if I'm missing something I'm sorry, i will edit it later if i remember/find something new. You can add it in the comments below if there is a thing that i miss. Thank you.
Luka NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


there are alot problems with the connection. When the first time i try to login, my phone got stuck and couldnt turn off lol, delayed about a min to be able to turn off but its fine now
sophane SternRitter NieR Re[in]carnation | 日本語版


Le jeux est Bo les ost magnifiques le scénario toujours à auteur du tripleA c'est une licence qui me tient à ceour pour les drakengard nier sans oublier automata j'ai espoir de voir zéro de drakengard après il es bien f2p je joue au rank 10 les multi arrive assez vite des évent à point qui est dans tout les gacha mes le plus gros point fort c'est de pouvoir avoir une nier sur mobile merci au dev


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