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My Tale is an action game developed by Gamepub.
Awaken the thrill of adventure!

Emotional adventure MMORPG!
My Tale』, pre-registration in progress!

Game introduction 
Our story leads to adventure!
Awaken the thrill of a forgotten adventure!

▶ Adventurers full of personality!
Warriors, Knights, Wizards, Rangers, Bards, etc.!
Enjoy spectacular action with heart-pounding action and unique skills!

▶ Exciting party play with friends!
From exciting quest dungeons to boss raids!
Get rare items with your friends and guild members!

▶ Variety of fun things 
As well as dungeons with various rewards and an in-depth training system!
Infinite Train, Arena, Land of Treasure, World Boss, Strongest Battle, etc. Enjoy full of adventure and action!

My Tale's official cafe: https://cafe.naver.com/mytalegp
Graphics Gameplay Value Story Sound 3.4
4 Rating(s), 3 Comment(s)
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