I don't know what previous review is talking about. the game is fully functioning here and you can go on all the quests, battle monster's, buy/upgradeweapons/armour. it's not really like Pokemon go this is a full-fledged battle system with all the dragon quest spells.
I have a note 10 phone and use the S pen to hover over the japanese to instantly translate the text, without this id be pretty lost :p
More Reviews of This Game Plus
3.5If you're not in Japan, don't bother downloading this app. At the present time, all locations to collect items, start quest portions, and the like are only in Japan. Sure, you could use a fake GPS app to try things out, but you can't get the full experience. At least they've added monster spawn to the world, but without the target locations, you're missing most of the game. Basically, this is Dragon Quest meets Pokemon GO. Wander around, fight monsters, get items from real world locations, and collect walking points from your distance walked. If they translate and release the game outside of Japan, it will be worth playing. For now, it's waiting time.
Itamie Sakome
4.5En soi le jeu et une version bien meilleure de pokemon go (c'est mon avis). Le jeu a un système de combat classique des DQ petits malus, le manque de contenue hors Japon. Sinon très cool de sortir et de combattre des monstres, perso j'en suis à la quête 2-3 de l'histoire. Si vous avez aimez pokemon go et que vous aimez DQ alors je vous le conseil