Página inicial > Game Store > ZombieGirl side:S -sister- | Globale

☞ Autre version: Japonais

The bloodline is a chain that keeps punishing the sisters.

A town suddenly attacked by an infection outbreak and shut down.
The big sister who came to save the little sister encounters misterious "zombies"!
Will the two heavily wounded sisters find a bright future, or despair...?

The latest title of the Zombie Girl series: "Zombie Girl Side S - Sister -" is here!

Feed zombies to give them back the intelligence they have lost, and solve the mystery that haunts the two sisters.
The story has multiple endings depending on the actions you choose for the futures of the two sisters.

Eesy & quick-to-play growing simulation game.
Graphiques Gameplay Valeur Histoire Son 4.4
19 Évaluation(s), 8 Commentaire(s)
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