RAID: Shadow Legends Critique(s)

TheGreyGod RAID: Shadow Legends


Meh... Its ok, I just wish they would calm down with all the ads on YouTube its annoying af!
Marcelo Rabie RAID: Shadow Legends


ya know...from all the ads from youtube to actually playing it...i believe the ads. this is a incredibly designed game well done😁
Red-Angel RAID: Shadow Legends


Trèees bon jeu au tour par tour, j’ai trouvé ce jeu grâce aux nombreuses publicité que les Youtubeur ont fait dessus. Au final j’ai décidé de lui laisser sa chance en l’essayant, et après réflexion, ce jeu est vraiment pas si mal. Les personnages sont bien animés, avec des races, styles et classes différentes. Ils y a aussi des arbre de compétence et des équipements à choisir pour créer une équipe bien équilibré.
Ce qui permet de créer des équipes spécialisées pour certaine quête. Le jeu est très technique ce qui le rend super fun.
Franchement, à tester, et je recommande de regarder des tutos youtube avant de se lancer.
animeMeme RAID: Shadow Legends


this game is cool for people who want to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars but for the free to players don't even thinking about it PVP is too difficult everyone has a f****** hegemon and I would go further but I don't like making log Texas さてから大阪中央線高尾誰かからさっゃたか札幌震度3だからさだ
Rainart Von Nacht RAID: Shadow Legends


I'm playing for Deathknight
drumroll RAID: Shadow Legends


You can get to endgame in about 8-10 months f2p.. 1-2 months by spending and after that there is nothing new to do.. Same events over and over again.. tournaments are always about who can spend the most money and the f2p or mino rewards for them are extremely bad and they keep on making them worse by increasing the points requirements while the rewards stay the same.. only good thing is the legendary champion fusions most of which are usually pay-walled.. Plarium the developers put all their money in marketing and promoting the game instead of fixing the numerous bugs and crashes or adding new content.. even when they do add something new it's almost always a new paywall, a new way to make the player spend money in the game..
Reaver Red RAID: Shadow Legends


[汗顏]..... [哇噻]
BaronQ RAID: Shadow Legends


great graphics while the gameplay is basically the same as any other games of this type it has depth with its masteries system. unfortunately this has to be the stingiest gacha game I have ever played because.
1.unlike most gacha games this one does not have free all rarity pulls when you first started.
2.the gacha are divided by rarity which is already bad if you asked me, the campaign mode gives you some shards, but its of the lowest rarity.
3.the lowest rarity shards pulls 1 to 3 star heroes of course the rate is abysmal, the 3 stars i have are given to me at the start and one luckily droped from the campaign map.
4.the campaign rewards are meh and on top of that one of the requirements are ridiculous (use only 2 heroes) this forces players to GRIND THEIR PHONE DEAD or spend money for those high tiered shards.
5.lastly despite the great graphics the heroes are mostly reskins of each other you will be seing a lot of the same hero models over and over again even on the highest rarity units.

My Verdict: Meh game, barely rewards the player and stingy as it can be, for me wasting time on this actually fells bad and I have played my fair share of grindy games.[發困][發怒][no]
Dubbro_Alato Imperium_LV9 RAID: Shadow Legends


Bello, interessante, meccaniche un po' difficili ma meglio così... Avere già la pappa pronta non mi piace. Tantissimi personaggi, abilità, equippaggiamenti, incantesimi etc..
Sconsiglio di mettere pg nella sala di addestramento pk ti ranka 1 lv ogni 40 min e TU devi poi dire al gioco di farlo salire di lv quando arriva alla esp giusta...
Consiglio per tutti:leggete bene ogni abilità del pg e la Tipologia se è un Def, Atk, support etc.. E dopo equipaggiate l'armatura più idonea.
Ps: Amo i rettili e qui ci sono un sacco di pg rettiliani gg
Alps1 RAID: Shadow Legends


АнАнИМ 666 RAID: Shadow Legends


nice game !!!
Alexander Clark RAID: Shadow Legends


it good. if you like dark fantasy games, this's right your alley.
Sommater Dragneel RAID: Shadow Legends


Better game on android, diversty companions, storyline, arena, boss.
AnjelBR RAID: Shadow Legends


graficos e som incriveis, historia simples e pouco interariva, infelizmente o fator p2w é muito forte e os preços sao muito altos.
ArimaKousei Game Hunter RAID: Shadow Legends


The game isn't good, it's repetitive, boring, with a okay/good graphics, not inovated gameplay, but also not so bad, the problem is that the gameplay is really repetitive, and you can turn on auto mode on almost every stage you want, it's not so strategic. the value is bad and the sound is ok, nothing good.
kapu RAID: Shadow Legends


_(:3 」∠ )_
peneki-san0 RAID: Shadow Legends


Josias Viera RAID: Shadow Legends


es muy bueno
Joey harris RAID: Shadow Legends


Elessandro Oliveira RAID: Shadow Legends


o jogo cada vez continua apenas dando valor ora quem pagar nesse jogo cada vez difículta a vida dos f2p... perdeu toda a graça isso.....


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