Same as pokemon go so goodbye
connection error can't even play
kept giving me a connection error!!!
a exploring game like pokemon go but with the extra of having the classic rpg gameplay style of dragon quest
Oh un autre jeu dans le style de Pokemon GO ! Après c’est Dragon Quest, peut être que ça sera pas aussi mal et qu’il y aura plus de contenue pour les joueurs. : )
Works outside Japan (Tested in France)
A really fun game, with an RPG vibe that Pokémon Go doesn't really had.
I just had some glitches with some monsters, and the graphics in general are not really great (especially the map...)
Similar to PKMN Go, but with more RPG elements. Perfect for fans of Dragon Quest. Players outside of Japan will have a harder time with this one, but it is still entertaining.
If you're not in Japan, don't bother downloading this app. At the present time, all locations to collect items, start quest portions, and the like are only in Japan. Sure, you could use a fake GPS app to try things out, but you can't get the full experience. At least they've added monster spawn to the world, but without the target locations, you're missing most of the game.
Basically, this is Dragon Quest meets Pokemon GO. Wander around, fight monsters, get items from real world locations, and collect walking points from your distance walked. If they translate and release the game outside of Japan, it will be worth playing. For now, it's waiting time.
Please make this game work in France
désinstaller impossible de récupérer mon avancement suite changement de téléphone
I wanna try so bad if only there is global version!!!
I have a problem, all day is daytime, I mean it can't be done at night and therefore I can't see the monsters at night, is that because I'm not in Japan? the rest of the game is great, i really love it!! you can play it without problems
ive been able to play with my JP knowledge in the US.
esta bien el juego a un no puedo decir exelente por que aun le falta soporte a los servidores en Mexico pero tampoco es que tengas que depender de un fly eso si el spam es bajo pero suficiente para subir niveles banda de Mexico denle un chance y hagan farmer en su region para hacernos notar
ดีทุกอย่างได้อารมณ์การเล่นของ DQ แต่เสียอย่างเดียวน่าจะเปิดให้เล่นแบบ Gobol ไปเลย
just give me an English translation