Works outside Japan (Tested in France)
A really fun game, with an RPG vibe that Pokémon Go doesn't really had.
I just had some glitches with some monsters, and the graphics in general are not really great (especially the map...)
désinstaller impossible de récupérer mon avancement suite changement de téléphone
I love this game! I wish one day thet i can play this on english or italian
Decent game but a definite moneysink
Excellent ! Dommage manque de contenu mais jeu rempli de promesse s'il sort du Japon et viens nous voir en France
great game. playing outside of Japan is a thing now. although no english translation and not all features are implemented. enjoy.
I really envy everyone from outside Japan who can play this game. I download the app and the mock location app but it still won't work. I have been dreaming of playing it for 2 years and still no chance :(
a exploring game like pokemon go but with the extra of having the classic rpg gameplay style of dragon quest
Works fine with current 1.0.1 version but only with GPS joystick set to locations in Japan, no monsters or points of interest appear for me at least in USA
Very good game, very entertaining and fast to play but I do not understand anything about how to hunt enemies and get exp besides leaving farms, houses, dungeons to go there and get crystals (。>﹏<)
mieux que pokémon Go j'espère que le jeu viendra par chez nous !
Same as pokemon go so goodbye
connection error can't even play