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Join Foxy and her magical friends in the Alchademy!

Mix SPOOKY ingredients and see what amazing things you'll create. Be sure to follow the CLUES around your cauldron.

But not everything ends up creating something. So choose WISELY my apprentice... if you want to fill up your alchemy book!

Oh, don't worry. Even your failures add up to something FUN!

Soon your shelves will be full of curiosities and you'll get closer and closer to unlocking the next alchemy book for FREE and discovering even MORE new ingredients and creations!

You can even unlock all of Foxy's alchemist pals and see which one is your FAVORITE!!! Mix and match alchemists and cauldrons to match your unique magical style ;-P
Gráficas Gameplay Valor Historia Sonido 3.8
11 Rating(s), 6 Comentario(s)
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