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The Little Witch Academia is a VR broom racing game developed by UNIVRS, Inc.. You can fly around the sky and use magic with Akko and the other LWA characters in this game.

<The player will become a potential student at Luna Nova!>
You can freely create your own avatar and enter Luna Nova as a potential student!
<Tag team with another character!>
You can team up with an LWA character and try the Bonding Race!
Also, depending on your partner, the magic and items will change!  
Selected Note

- Today's Fanart -
Artist: Pixiv @ そいり
Series: Little Witch Academia
Original link: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/65242546

Selected Note

- Today's Fanart -
Artist: Pixiv @ そいり
Series: Little Witch Academia
Original link: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/65242546

QRCode Little Witch Academia - VR Broom Racing - 小魔女學園VR 向彗星許願 será instalado en tu dispositivo. UNIVRS, Inc.
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