Develop human civilization on a zombie-virus-filled Earth. Research the topics necessary for inventions and discoveries that have greatly influenced the advancement of civilization, and train soldiers suitable for your civilization’s level to fight against zombies threatening humanity.

All battles are automatic, and if all deployed soldiers die, they will automatically revive and restart the stage. Gather soldiers from the beginning of human evolution, from primates to Australopithecus and Neanderthals. Discover great leaders and historical artifacts to earn culture points. Use the techs obtained through research to increase your village’s productivity, fight animal zombies, gather resources, and develop your civilization.

• Automatic Battles
• Soldier Deployment, Upgrades, Weapon Equipment
• Equip Great Figures, Artifacts, and Buildings
• Technological Advancement through Various Research Topics
• Automatic Revival of All Soldiers Upon Death
• Seamless Idle Play
• Strategic Upgrades and Resource Management

During the alpha test, in-app purchases will not be available, and game data may frequently reset or experience errors.

I welcome your diverse opinions through email in the game.
Thank you for playing.
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