Home > Game Store > Kizuna AI – Touch the Beat!
Kizuna AI – Touch the Beat! is a VR music game developed by Activ8 Inc. / Gemdrops, Inc. The game is released on Oculus Quest. In this game, players can watch the performance by Kizuna AI from a close distance and support her by waving the glowstick at the correct rythum. Gemdrops will release PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 versions in early 2023 with a new “Non-VR Mode” and support for PlayStation VR and PlayStation VR2 devices

In the game, you are an audience at Kizuna AI's performance stage. Feel the rhythm to the song and hit the notes that come flying towards you with your penlight.
There are various levels and note speeds. Try out the different difficulty levels that you prefer. 
QRCode Kizuna AI – Touch the Beat! Kizuna AI – Touch the Beat! será instalado en tu dispositivo. Activ8 Inc. / Gemdrops, Inc.
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