..i dont know my phone is crappy or this game graphics is just shit. I cant play the game if it LAG SO BAD LIKE THAT DUDE . Gameplay good, lag BAD. you cant full combo, you cant even clear the song if its AS LAGGY AS THAT. Use your logic.
It's really cute, but it's laggy so I have to play in lowres in the lives
also the content is kinda boring, being a Japanese Only game with no connection to other media makes it hard to enjoy
первое время было довольно весело, но
главной проблемой этой игры было отсутствие разнообразия. ивенты помогали хоть как-то добавлять новый контент, но он кончался тем, что давали какие-то плюхи к внешке. песни было скучно играть и нужен был какой-то стимул, чтобы играть ивенты нужно было много банок, которые без доната было сложно получить.
на старте 4/5
на закате 3/5.
земля пухом.
Lag makes it unplayable for me.
The gameplay is extremely easy even on hard mode, if you're looking for a challenge, this game won't work. But it's still extremely fun. You can dress up the girls, interact with them, watch ehat they do around the house. The gacha is also extremely generous. Overall, an easy and cute simple game. It takes up around 2gb of space though, which can sometimes be a problem if you constabtly download more games than you should like me.
the game is good but the content is boring
it's a pretty good game I love the girls but could use more improvement
It was ok, great waifus, good tracks, average sound quality, not updated anymore but still, I'm glad its still playable.
Also VR. Tap the cat while in VR for better angle.
The song feels more Idol-ish than some other idol games. Sadly, It's offline now. and my phone have trouble with varied input latency between rhythm game session in this game even in 2D.
honestly a really good game
I've been playing this game for a little while, and I've gotta say, I really love it! Gameplay-wise it's very similar to Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls: Starlight Stage, but still manages to be different enough to pass off as it's own thing. Plus, there are a decent amount of girls so you don't have to worry that much about not getting a card of your best girl! Also, grinding for gems is very easy and doesn't take nearly as long as other games. The first day I started playing I was able to do 3 pulls. The music is fantastic too! I haven't come across a single song I don't like and many of the songs are super catchy and fun to play! The only downsides are that it takes a while to unlock new stories and that you get the same awards no matter the difficulty, but that can be easily overlooked. Overall, it's a great idol game, and I can definitely see myself playing it for a long time!!
I'm sad to admit that I found this game far too late...
It's such a shame that, yes, you can say it reminds you of "so and so", but I can tell that this game had potential. Fun music, a nice cast/seiyuu, and a cat. Nothing is better than cats. I still think checking out this game is worth it. After all, it's in offline mode. Might as well take advantage of that!
This game is pretty fun to play. Well sadly you will be feel pretty alone in this game i think its pretty normal because i think devs r done with this game but you can still play the game. If you don't know japanese it's not really problem because it's easy to understand. Also i think, maybe... Maybee the game is somehow connected w tokimemo or tmgs series?
I recommend to play but it's dead :,)~