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Tokimeki Idol Reseña(s)

Kxllsume Tokimeki Idol


This game is pretty fun to play. Well sadly you will be feel pretty alone in this game i think its pretty normal because i think devs r done with this game but you can still play the game. If you don't know japanese it's not really problem because it's easy to understand. Also i think, maybe... Maybee the game is somehow connected w tokimemo or tmgs series?
I recommend to play but it's dead :,)~
NOT☆TAG Tokimeki Idol


yoruu Tokimeki Idol


I haven't read the story yet since it's on japanese and I have to use a translator, so I don't know what's the story about. It's also abandoned and I doubt there will be further updates so it will keep us company for a month at most, in my opinion. It's a gacha, an idol, and an offline game, what more could I ask for? The game doesn't lag most of the time and the characters are awesome! But what made me to like the game the most, are the songs, they're enjoyable along with the charts, it's really good to listen to, and the amount of the songs are enough to keep me occupied. I hoped for an english version though.
nefa☆ Tokimeki Idol


honestly a really good game[微笑]
Tuấn TK3 Tokimeki Idol


hay ok
Thanyanuch Ratchoo Tokimeki Idol


asakusamidori Tokimeki Idol


[為什麼][為什麼][為什麼]..i dont know my phone is crappy or this game graphics is just shit. I cant play the game if it LAG SO BAD LIKE THAT DUDE . Gameplay good, lag BAD. you cant full combo, you cant even clear the song if its AS LAGGY AS THAT. Use your logic.
JorhanStahl Tokimeki Idol


es hermoso, en el poco x3 corre de maravilla...
manulittle Tokimeki Idol


jogo perfeito, gacha simples e eficiente, muitas roupinhas muito fofas e eu acho bem legal que dar pra combinar uma roupinha com a outra e não so ser o conjunto pre pronto, musicas muito boas, charts divertidos, por mais que o estilo de gameplay seja meio repetitivo (quem joga muito jogo de idol sabe) os charts dao um diferencial, tem uma historia que você pode seguir com sua idol preferida, um producer card maker q é muito foda, modelos 3d bonitos e uma interface LINDISSIMA tipica da konami, a unica coisa que eu vejo que é ruim é fato do game estar offline e nao tem mais eventos ou atualizações novas, mas enquanto você nao finalizar tudo do game (q demora bastante) vc vai se divertir muito, sem contar o fato que por o game estar offline, vc pode jogar ele sem internet
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)🍑 peach time Tokimeki Idol


I'm sad to admit that I found this game far too late... [大哭] It's such a shame that, yes, you can say it reminds you of "so and so", but I can tell that this game had potential. Fun music, a nice cast/seiyuu, and a cat. Nothing is better than cats. I still think checking out this game is worth it. After all, it's in offline mode. Might as well take advantage of that!
Tiper Zero Tokimeki Idol


La verdas es que voy jugando solo por un par de minutos y ya me está gustando, y mucho mas el hecho de que sea 100% Offline, algo que siempre estoy buscando en juegos como estos porque mi internet no da para juegos Online estilo Idolm@ster o Bandori que si requieren de un buen internet.

Espero esta App jamás se vaya y se quede. Me gustaria mas juegos así .
RenaiCircularMotio Tokimeki Idol


I love this game . It's like a sandbox rhythm game for some reason , but I really like it a lot . I love the girls and the songs sound really pretty .
sznioboDziobo Tokimeki Idol


ja gdy baba od bioli
KanaoTsuyuri Tokimeki Idol


faz tempo que tinha jogado Tokimeki jogo realmente bom, pena que não tem muita coisa pra fazer mais ainda Sim e realmente muito bom gráfico altos, jogando boa, Controle bom, tudo incrível, so falta coisas Novas
Kezia Moraes Tokimeki Idol


é realmente muito legal e viciante
LALALA Tokimeki Idol


nice, tapi ruangan kaga dukung lagi /hiks srot
Iam Nihonman Tokimeki Idol




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