After the last few updates the game has broken for me. I cant see my heros when i go to the hero page to upgrade gear. I couldnt select anything for the spin on the Surf Summer event. I cant select characters for the infinite trial either.
I like the game very much but there have been alot of updates very recently.. seems everytime i get on to play.. I hope they're about done with the updates for awhile.. I understand they're needed but not every other day..
Game is pretty cool. There a lot going on tho and sometimes it's hard to follow
At the moment 5* it's a good game on its first day out, let's see how it goes for a while
Why do we need 4 five stars just to lvl up a 5 star? That's way to much change this!
Fairly good game just started and already have 5 mythical heros you should play it
Another typical idle RPG with mediocre gameplay and character design... it's a good time killer when in the 🚽 Also the company name "upjoyjoy" is weird. Did someone studder when trying to say word joy?!
First day, very impressed! Would like to play this with my daughter. This game's presentation is pretty nice
game has been great thus far tutorial wasn't to long and heroes are pretty good!
Finally. Something good. Pre-Registered, and expected something great, ended up getting something better then expected.
its just a copy paste from tales of grimm and i hate it that i have to start all over
Why do we need 4 five stars just to lvl up a 5 star? That's way to much change this!
It's game is very cool and very fun to play everyone should play this,That game is boredom so play this game I advise!
I love this game. the character art is wonderful, the names are playful, and best of all, I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. This game has red dot notifications for things to do... so I mechanically try to turn them off. That's all, really. but I'm having a good time.
I love it when games give you bonuses just for doing stuff, basically making this game Completionist friendly
A very fun afk game. I don't really try that many afk games but this one is pretty fun to play. Good work!
It a fun game and afk one. The concept is unique but please give a chance for people who grind get a little bit of VIP Points
So far, I'm having a blast with this game! It's very fun gameplay wise and I'm absolutely in love with the art style.
This games art style is amazing. Very beautiful can't wait to see whats in store
It's a great game as long as they keep it updated and fresh I'll keep spendin.