The only thing stopping me from giving this game 5 stars is the fact that I can't put potted plants on stools or tables. It messes up my aesthetic(stupid I know) . Also, the game currently has no way of recovering your account so there's that too. And the rates are schmitty(or maybe I'm just unlucky). I
I love it!!
Actually, i don't like this type of games, but i am ready to play this game forever :D
I am playing the Japanese version a year already and I'm really glad, that there is Global version of the game and finally there is English language, so now you can actually fully understand what's going on it the game. :)
Im so glad there is finally an english version, i love the game and its super fun!
i love this game but the english version is way behind the japanese
this is because the English version is still new ik but i hope it can catch up as soon as possible because the japanese server is just WAOV, BON APPETITE.There are so many amazing events and i want to see them here too~
When there is an update to the newest version, we don’t know everything in Japanese, although we will lose in English. We hope that we will see an upgrade soon
Why don't they add more language in the first one ? or they can not ?? 
Why is there no Sanzu?
Bro, I love this game and I'm waiting impatiently for its updates. 
just as good as the original version
played this because i have an obsession with seeing my old favorite characters in costumes and outfits <3
It's pretty good,adding more event would be nice