I've played it since at PC version. It's a good game. Really unique gameplay and fun to play with. Only the dlc is the problem cuz it's use real money. Yes I know they also include a free song but not the best. If you want best song, need to purchase the dlc.
game is great, but this version doesn't work for me. it tries to update and sticks at 0%
Love this game. It's basically been my DDR replacement for many years. Only thing I hate is how the rest of the songs are stuck behind a dlc paywall. Otherwise the default unlockable songs are really good... catchy as hell and they get stuck in your head for days.
P.S. I preffer this version over the Switch version WaiWaiParty. That one is a bit of a dissapointment, it should have been like this game.
Epilepsy warning. Too many flashes and unneseccary lights.
Kinda fun for 20 minutes with the free stuff but then all the good songs are locked behind paywalls (there's about a hundred).
Otherwise decent expermiental gameplay.
думаю, единственный плюс этой игры – это необычный и достаточно интересный геймплей и то, что она работает офлайн. бесплатые песни, в большинстве своём, к сожалению, не очень, а вот платные песни (точнее даже пакеты с песнями) весьма порадовали. если вы не сильно заморачиваетесь по поводу песен, а вам важен именно геймплей, то тогда эта игра для вас
One of the best rhythm games on phones. Music selection is very wide, including Touhou, Jpop, and several other games. I love it.
Didn't really like the free songs. Shame because i played the Switch version demo and it had better presentation and more songs. It's okay but the songs all sound like cheap shovelware you'd find on a bargain bin game. The only one I liked was the Teddyloid song which I wasn't surprised since he's actually good. But yeah you'd either have to pay up or keep playing the free ones till you unlock something remotely listenable.
Un bon jeu de rythme somme toute, même si l'interface est vraiment très très moche !
Pas de fioriture, c'est comme dans la version arcade, le jeu est réduit à ce qu'il doit faire de mieux : être un bon jeu de rythme ! Le gameplay est simple sans trop l'être non plus : c'est comme tout bon jeu de rythme : simple à comprendre, difficile à maîtriser ! ![[懵懂]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
Les chansons sont entraînantes et raccord avec l'univers un peu techno / futuriste sans forcément se réduire à ça, Une quinzaine de morceaux déblocables gratuitement (soit gratuit sur le shop, soit via les différents succès). Ça reste peu au vu du nombre immense de chansons sur le shop, ça sera la seule déception...
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esse jogo é muito bom q pena q quase n é conhecido no brasil(。>﹏<)