Sword Art Online VS | Global Reseña(s)
Ну а теперь после танца с бубном о самой игре.Поиграл около часа,может больше,в глаза сразу же бросаются лаги и подвисания,независимо от того какое у вас стоит разрешение, низкое или высокое,одинаково подлагивает в менюшке,призывах и определенных моментах в боях.Кароче говоря,оптимизация на старте сильно хромает,впрочем как и всегда у Бандаев.Помимо этого в бою камера постоянно залетает под текстуры и вы тупо не видите противника да и в целом происходящего на экране.Так же к минусам могу отнести довольно маленькое количество игровых персонажей на старте(заметьте,не вариаций одного и того же персонажа,а именно игровых героев),Кирито,Лифа,Асуна,Силика и Элизабет и это всё.Конечно я понимаю что в будущем их будет больше,но всё же как то вяленько.По поводу геймплея вопросов нет,максимально простенький слешер каким он только может быть в своём понимании.Сюжет подаётся по типу статичных 2д спрайтов персонажей,разговаривающих на каком нибудь фоне(Ну уровня 7DS Grand Cross с полностью перенесенным из 2д аниме в 3д игру сюжетом ждать тут и не стоило).Донат-ещё один интерисующий вопрос, который думаю многих волнует.Пока что ничего сказать не могу,так как SSR падают почти каждую крутку,и шансы довольно большие,но что-то мне подсказывает что в будущем валюту для прокрутки рулеток будет получать всё труднее и труднее,поскольку весь сюжет будет завершен,а выполнение ежедневных заданий не будеь приносить нужного количества валюты.
Обобщим.Сразу говорю,фанатом SAO я не являюсь и оцениваю игру объективно.Игра еще очень сырая,с большим количеством багов и лагов,которые скорее всего и не будут исправлены в большинстве своём,да и вряд ли игра проживет больше двух лет.Почему же я так думаю?Да потому что разработчики Бандаи,это те люди которые каждый год клепают игры по аниме лицензии,а после закрывают их,не хотя продлевать ту же лицензию,либо по причинам отсутствия прибыли от игры.Сколько же игр они безжалостно закрыли:Несколько игр по Джо Джо(Dr2,PPP,StatdastShooters),Токийскому гулю(re: birth,re:invoke),да по этому же САО integral factor,и это только часть неплохих игр,которые прожили от силы 1-2 года.Я играл во все эти игры,и я знаю что будет с новыми играми от этих же разработчиков,у них всё устроено на одной схеме и вертиться только на деньгах.Тех кто не в курсе я предупредил,нравится игра,или же вы фанат САО?Играйте,получайте хорошие впечатления и просто веселитесь.Я ни в коем случае не призываю вас не играть в эту игру.Но все люди которые меня понимают,которые уже знакомы с Бандаями,знают каково это,терять свои любимые игры с достигнутым в них прогрессом только из-за скупости разработчиков,плевавших на чувства игроков...
Short version: If you're a fan of Sword Art Online...play Integral Factor instead...This game has stiff combat
like Integral Factor (or IF for short) but IF's combat is given a pass since it's an MMO. Graphics isn't too far
off either. This game screams unfinished and rushed for anniversary. If you have interest with this game, I suggest just keep logging in daily, get the launch rewards, after that wait for 1 year. By then, maaaybe the game will be finally smooth......I doubt it....Tales of Crestoria.....
Now, on to the Positives/Pros and Negatives/Cons.
+ Graphics is actually pretty good. Could be better, but it's good. Each characters are expressive, that is, their expression is very visible, even more expressive than Genshin. Still, King's Raid has better 3D Model and is more expressive as well. Ok let me make this short, in terms of Overall Character Models ranking: Honkai Impact > Kings Raid > Genshin >= Punishing Gray Raven > Tower of Fantasy > Other 3D Mobile Games (including SAO VS)
I'm open to discussions on that one (the model ranking)
+ Amazing 2D Arts, they never had any trouble with that
+ Infinite Reroll, chance to get multiple SSR
+ Excelent launch day celebration login rewards. So even if you don't plan to play it NOW, just keep logging in daily and pray the game will get better later
+/- There's a home character, can "interact" with you, can be changed. Budget home character. Far outclassed by Honkai Impact. Outclassed by Blue Archive (even if Blue Archive doesn't have 3D, only live2D).
+/- Fixed Camera. Can't rotate around. I'm still ok with this, the camera angle ... works ... I still tend to instinctively try to move around my viewpoint ....
+/- Story not as engaging as Integral Factor, or even the original SAO. What's the best SAO story? Why, SAO abridged by KARF (Kirito is Always Right Foundation of course ~ Followed by Integral Factor. I'm serious.
--- EXTREME LOW FPS. In combat, the game runs fine. But outside combat, the fps is just so low. It lags a lot.
Summoning takes 5-10 sec PER SUMMON SCREEN. So if you pull 10, that's around 30-60 sec PER SUMMON. Like why?? This is the first time I've encountered a terrible summoning session. Even the "skip" button takes 2-5 seconds to process...why?? And no, it's not that it's downloading resources for new characters/abilities. I got duplicates and it still take that long.
-- Loading, loading, loading. Too many loads. Somehow worse than Tales of Crestoria and Digimon Re Arise, famous as Loading Simulator.
- No Download All function. You know there's a prompt to download files upon starting the game for the first
time right? That's not all the files downloaded. The game downloads additional files when needed. And that happens frequently. Like Integral Factor. Be advised, play on Wi-Fi.
- Heats up the phone quickly. Genshin? Honkai? Tower of Fantasy? Epic Seven? Those games can heat up your phone, and makes sense, there's a lot going on there. This game? You VS 3 Goblins and no massive effects gives your phone high stress, burning it. Clearly not optimized yet
- Mediocore...actually, BAD launch summon. Not only was the summon/scout function not ready during launch, but once it's ready...it's just the standard scout with Kirito and Asuna having a higher drop rate? Like, really? No unique ones that's outside the standard scout (which will then be added to standard later)? No Alicization characters? Progressive? Integral Factor? ....why??
- Gets boring fast
So, to summarize, the game has an interesting concept. As with most Bandai Namco mobile game, the concept is there. It's the execution that's always the problem. If you like what you see and like what you played, and it runs smooth (who knows what kind of extreme high tech phone that can run this game smoothly) then good for you, have fun. BUT, if you like what you see and like what you played BUT runs poorly, then I strongly suggest just logging in
to get the launch rewards, then wait for 1 year. Again, it looks really clear this game wasn't meant to be released this year. It's name is SAO Variant Showdown, SAO VS. VS, Versus. It's clear they want it to be mainly for PVP. And it does look interesting. Think about it, a quick 3-5 minute action rpg combat, 1vs1 or 2vs2. It's a great concept. And I believe they can do it. Sadly, they look like they were rushed. The higher ups or advisors probably saw there's little to no major releases on November-December, so they pushed it. Will the decision work? I doubt it, but who am I to know?
Additional Note:
I still strongly suggest Integral Factor over this at the moment. If you're wondering if whether SAO has any good game at all, yes they do. Memory Defrag was extremely amazing. Fun and engaging combat, super smooth experience, doesn't heat up the phone, co-op play, and more. Unleash Blading was fun back then, but it's closing. Integral Factor's main strength is the story, it's simply amazing and the presentation is amazing as well.
Ok, that's all from me, thanks for reading.
00:00 - intro
00:32- Story
01:15- Quest
01:48- How This Game Battle
03:01- Tips 1
03:22- Daily quest
04:22- Member
05:14- Character Enhancement
06:03- Ability Card Enhancement
06:31- Events
07:01- Tips 2
08:11- Tips 3
08:34- Scout
09:22- Characters Tier List
12:29- Reroll Guide
My first though were yay another sao game it got hyped a bit not like cyberpunk but you feel me .
Nice to see all the band back together story its not that bad they could picked worst things
Graphics are ok there is a room for improvement depends on what device you are playing (i am playing at high and the game is smooth)
Fights are nice smooth i love them
Character models could have been way better but bandai i dont think gives a damn they love money way too much to make it better as a game
If you were experiencing this amazing game i am sure they did let you down but you should know thats how bandai works
Gacha rates well the classic bandai ones meh
have seen people say about the bugs , black screen , not connecting and etc well to be honest i had no problems at all i guess i am from the lucky ones
I have finished the game
I think game is a bit easy
Maybe they can fix many issues maybe they wont we will see lets have patient shall we?
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เกมค่ายบันไดยังมีปัญหาแบบนี้อีกหรอ หรือเพราะประกาศเปิดเร็วเกิน? ปิดUBยังไม่พอ เอาทีมงานไปทำปล่อยอีกเกมทิ้งยังสภาพนี้??
เล่นอีมูก็มีปัญหาเล่นได้แต่พอออกเข้าใหม่errorล้างข้อมูลเข้าใหม่เหมือนเดิม แล้วเล่นในมือถือเกมอย่างหน่วงปรับต่ำไม่แตกต่าง fpsก็ปรับไม่ได้ เชื่อมIDมีปัญหาเชื่อมไม่ได้บ้างกาชาสุ่มไม่ได้ สุดจัดค่ายนี้ยอมเลย เกมหมาๆรอดูพรุ่งนี้จะเข้าได้ไหม
If you like 3d arcade arena fighting game with billboard/banner/Big window-like images as background and a fan of sao, also the game needing stamina to play then maybe.
I personally am not a fan of the mechanics since it's the main mechanics, would be fine if it was a mode since it can get old fast if it's not for you. It just felt lazy since there's nothing that stands out if you compare it with any existing 3d game with combat mechanics.
Targeting system isn't great, worse when there's tons of mobs. Dodge system isn't great, not very responsive when you press it. You need to do QTEs on boss, as in pressing things fast or you'll take dmg.
Combat feels very slow paced and stiff because the second skill is slow and dodging won't work when we're doing attacks in general. There's no block as well. Getting hit will get us staggered/knocked down and recovery from those is slow as well.
There's just tons of games with combat that does it better and make it more fun in general. Even saoif is better than this and it's quite old already.
All in all for me, It's a rushed arcade game with gacha. Can't even play it on phone emulators. The last time I tried binding my acct there's no way to bind with an email, you need twitter or that Line thing. Tranferring acct from a different device was said to have a cooldown of 42hrs (not sure if it's true).
graphics: tbh,the chara looks like a moving cheap plastic action figure (even in high resolution)
sound: the opening theme song kinda nice actually
gameplay: its really simple for a 3d combat style,its fun at first but after playing for a while it become boring
story: the worst thing in this game,they really are just milking this series
value: this is one of the worst SAO game of all time, i cant believe they make this a special gift for 10 anniv of SAO
1. uninstall game
2. download from google play store
3. enjoy
I can play the game, (fortunately not stuck on start screen / notification like a lot of people) but the overall menu is laggy and not smooth. The camera during battle is confusing especially when there are a lot of enemies.
I do like how we get infinite rerolls in the beginning though. The card artworks and CGs are also good. The 3D models... not much.
Can't say much about the story yet. I hope in the future, the battle stages and monsters can be made more related to the story progression.