TEARS OF THEMIS | Global Reseña(s)
Strengthening cards is kind of hard and takes a lot of time but your hard work will be paid off once you complete it. You can do plenty of tasks daily, weekly, or rookie tasks especially if you’re a new player to gain things, you can even receive a lot in achievements and fieldwork.
Though, there’s nothing much to do if you already completed the tasks and the main story. Events are mostly the only thing that you’ll do in the game plus the temple of trials, daily & weekly tasks but that will not be the case if you’re already attached to the game. All in all, the game’s pretty good but I hope it will improve more.
① graphics: 4/5
- it's not very impressive when you look at it as a "game", but for games of this category (otome, specifically), the graphics are quite astounding. there's an option to set it to smooth, high quality, or ultra, so if you're not one to settle for less, go snatch that ultra setting. that, though, implies the possibility of switching to a lower resolution for people whose devices aren't exactly optimized for big games. there's actually not much to pick on in this regard, so perhaps the only factor that took a number away from my rating would be my personal preferences. i'm not very much into the art style of the game, as it looks stiff to me somehow, but the colors, movements, and other sets of visuals are frankly good. the background and character designs aren't too "new" or unique, but it goes along with the theme the game has been set to have.
② sound: 3/5
- before we get into the minor details, i'd like to announce the cast list for the guys is amazing. we have yuki kaji as luke pearce/minase natsuhiko, suwabe junichi as artem wing/sakyo shizuma, fukuyama jun as dr. vyn richter/moritsuki rei, and ishikawa kaito as marius von hagen/izumi kei. literally an all-star, so i have no complaints in that department as a casual seiyuu appreciator. that being said, the background music sets quite an atmosphere, but it's nothing special. it's what you would expect from a game, and that's it. regarding quality, though, i think it goes along with the graphics setting you've chosen, so it's not a problem either. there are no errors or glitches in the voiced lines.
※ the text did have bugs on the first day of the game's release, but they fixed it right after they handed out a survey! talk about efficient…
③gameplay: 4/5
- [before edit] reminding everyone once again that 3 isn't a low rating in my book, rather, it's the representative for "good" as it is in the little egg-shaped things on this app. so, the reason why i rated the gameplay a 3 is because it runs mostly the same way as other otome games and/or story-based games out there in the market.
there's the main story, there's subcategorized "cases" for farming materials needed to build your cards, there's a log-in system which gives you rewards, card stories, and a "visitation" option to raise your affection with the characters. all of these have been seen in similar games, so it's not going to be very hard for seasoned players to navigate. oh, don't forget the gacha.
the one thing i do like here is the trial system which appears once in every chapter of the main story. they added a minigame-ish segment (event) which turns the debate music retro, and an investigation segment. trial system is basically a simulation of a court trial, the minigame called trials of themis is an 8-bit version set in the age of greek gods and goddesses, and the investigation includes the "looking around the room to search for evidence which isn't really too challenging because they highlight the evidence" type of gameplay, the "looking closely at an object to spot obvious details", and "making connections", which is probably the one i enjoy the most among the three as it needs you to use logic (there's the option of clicking everything too, but…)
it's basically the theme of the game, though, so it's not like it was such a huge surprise to find them in there.
edited‼️i turned my rating from 3 to 4, as i initially completely forgot about the phone feature which allows you to look through the data you've run into while reading the story (i like archives), and you can listen to voice messages, video calls, and some other section which, again, has slipped my mind, through this phone. it is also possible to have chats with your contacts, which is a sure feature in otome games nowadays, but it sure is interesting in this one.
④ storyline: 5/5
- absolutely obsessed with good storylines; i've lowered the bar for my expectations regarding romance games in this particular area (i don't mean to offend, but they do usually have less substance than story-driven rpgs, or something like nier;automata. it's not as if i intend to put otome romance games under a bad light, as i've played quite a few before, which presents the fact that i base this on experience and not a hasty generalization from third party observation and speculation), but this one really does make me clap for mihoyo's story department all over again.
the direction can get predictable (at least for me), but the way they're executed is absolutely wonderful. of course there are cliches to elicit the ドキドキ effect, but that's part of the game. the SR card stories have been good to me so far, and the personal stories do help you discover the secrets of your oshi. i'm not too far into the main story yet, but it's been a remarkable ride so far. i like how i actually do something in the game while i read. besides playing rock paper scissors and old maid with the leads in the visit function. a word, though. they're not exactly bite-sized, and some concepts may be a little slippery for some (it involves the law, various industries in high society, and cryptic words from our local shrink which i find really fun to read), but i don't think it gets very technical, so it's nothing to worry about as long as your knowledge is broader than the average 6th grader's.
there's something happening in the shadows here, and i brought this point out to intrigue; not to spoil. checking for yourself would be the best ; )
⑤ value: 4/5
- ooh that's high! yes, it is. it does its job as an otome game, all the while introducing new concepts and a really wide range of possibilities for other like games under development to learn from. the size could be considered a little on the big side, but the fully-voiced main story and the graphics, along with the pleasing visuals, will make the investment in at least 3GB of your storage space worth it. they'll probably add more content in the future, but it's guaranteed to not hit the double digits, at least (genshin's a different category, so calm down). this has been a long enough review-- perhaps a little too long-- but i can say i'll keep playing this game for a while.
.bismilah ssr marius.
oke jadi total sizenya sekitar 2gb. dengan size segede itu kita dapet: pertama, cerita full voiced. ceritanya sendiri asik, karakter²nya idaman, and lineup seiyuu-nya cuy
kedua, banyak fitur. buat ceritanya aja mihoyo ngasih fitur debat, investigasi tkp, introgasi tersangka, dan pengadilan. belum lagi yg lain, contohnya minigame yg kita bisa mainin sama karakternya (sejauh ini baru ada batu-gunting-kertas sama old maid).
ketiga, grafik super bagus. seperti yg mungkin kita semua udah tau, mihoyo tuh ga pernah ngecewain soal grafik. di prolog aja udah kealiatan kok. terus juga semua kartu sr-ssr nya gerak gengs. plus, gap kualitas? art kartu sr sama ssr tuh tipis, jadi sr aja bisa keliatan kea ssr wkwk.
soal gachanya, aku kurang tau berapa droprate nya tapi dalam 2 hari main (ga ingat berapa pull) aku udah 3 kali dapet ssr & punya lebih dari 5 sr. gachanya juga punya sistem pity kea di genshin, kamu pasti bakal dapet ssr di pull ke 90. 1 pull gachanya ngonsumsi 180 currency yg aku lupa namanya apa tapi warnanya biru gitu, dia kea diamond/gem lah disini. bisa juga pake tears of themis, semacam "tiket" buat nge-gacha.
currency nya itu menurut aku sejauh ini ga terlalu susah didapet. ada banyak sumbernya, apa lagi gamenya masih baru jadi ada event² menguntungkan gitu huehuehue.
-gils panjang juga nih review-
Cerita di prolog awal akan membuat kamu bingung tentang siapa itu Luke, Marius, Artem dan Vyn(ya jika kamu bukan tukang skip) ..kamu akan menjadi seorang asisten dari sebuah agensi pengacara terkemuka ..
Visual karakter nya jujur bagus bagus recommended lah buat ciwi² yang doyan cowok² webtoon hhe ..buat aku sendiri yang belum pernah memainkan versi terdahulunya yang lain , lumayan seru sih ..
dalam satu chapter kamu tidak hanya melakukan battle melulu tapi juga melakukan investigasi sebuah kasus untuk mendapatkan tambahan clue yang akan berguna dalam sidang di akhir cerita,ada guarantee SSR di beginner banner dengan hanya 40x summon , ya asal rajin login dan menyelesaikan daily quest perkembangan mu in game akan lancar (kurasa)
Дополняю отзыв спустя хз сколько времени, я задонатил в игру уже короче 800 своих кровных, учитывая что я школьник без единого зароботка(не хожу на обеды)было довольно больно по карте с 1 рублём на ней, НО У МЕНЯ ТЕПЕРЬ ЕСТЬ 2 ССР ВИНА(сука карта с ротации все ещё не у меня) всем кто не верил спасибо я справился, даже с одгой констой, но тут даже лучше бы мариуса
игра прекрасна, затягивающий сюжет и хороший бог гачи любящий меня и дарящий с 10 крутки нужные карточки, наша любовь взаимна
прекрасные актеры озвучки, правда мне кажется на китайском они звучат немного менее пафосно и от того приятнее ушам
возможно просто такое впечатление, актера озвучки лулуша я все еще люблю всем сердцем, лулуш ви британия!
хоть и вообще не фри2плей игра, но как минимум любимая и, имхо, лучшая отоме из всех что я играл за свою короткую школьную жижу
потом еще дополню, посмотрим выпадет мне следующая карточка что я жду
подпишитесь или лайкните если вас немного позабавил отзыв или помог.. хочу поучаствовать в ивенте от кьюаппа
Other than that, I enjoyed Ace Attorney series a lot, so this game feels fresh for a visual novel otome game.
So far, this game have the most realistic story line from all games i have ever play. The MC being an attonery is exposed toward dangerous crimes in the world and also she have to stay in her life principle for bringing justice towards everyone.
The male leads is very attractive in both looks and personality.
Luke Pearce : MC's childhood friend who have been disappear for 8 years since high school from MC's life. He's back and now he want to make more memories with MC while have to carry a burden that could shatter his own life.
In my opinion, Luke is ny favorite male lead because i'm a sucker for childhood lover troupe. He's very sweet and overprotective, and also very reliable. But he have a big burden that he must carry on even though it cost his own life.
Artem Wing : MC's senior, and also co worker who's a very popular attonery. He have a very strong personality, he's also very handsome, maybe the most handsome male lead in this game. He's also suprisingly very cute because he tried to get close with MC, but doesn't know how. His interaction with MC is so adorable. ・ิ≖ ω ≖・ิ✧
Vyn Richter : a charming psychiatrist, quite mystetious and a very logical?? person. He's kinda sketchy and give me this subtle yandere vibe but he's just a very jealous person LOL. Also, his backstory is still unknown but SPOILER ALERT : his back story is quite complicated and mind blowing (to me LOL). There is more to Vyn than meets the eyes...
Marius Von Hanger : "One chan~" The successor of Pax Group, very handsome, very rich, also very charming. His persona at first is like this rebellious playboy wealthy brat but he's not. He's a very responsible person even in a very young age, and he have a responsibility because of his family wealth. His friendly personality is very attractive and i also fallen for his charm LOL.
MC / Rósa : LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE THE MC SO MUCH! *ahem*, love how strong the mc is, love how beautiful the mc, love her personality and mindset, and love her EVERYTHING! Seriously, at first i play the game thinking the MC (aka, Rósa) is me, but now i play the game thinking the MC/Rósa is Rósa! I'm smitten with the MC more than towards the male leads! She's strong, beautiful, smart, responsible, and fun! Gosh, this game MC deserves the "BEST MC AWARD", seriously!
The game play is ok, not too engaging, not too amazing, it's good. The daily quest isn't that hard either. The events also very generous with their rewards.
I personally have no problem with the gacha, there's leaks from Tears of Themis CN so you can decide weather yiu want to save up your S-Chips or not.
The BGM is beautifull, the graphic is great, the art is gorgeous, and the story is numero uno.
This is my review towards the characters and the game, thanks for reading, and have fun playing the game!
_(√ ζ ε:)_
Story? 5/5 !!
That's the best thing tbh The story is amazing and interesting..
Graphics? 5/5 !!
When i first entered the game it's like i've been teleported to heaven
Sound? 4/5 !
Bg sound match the scene
For the character voice, it's sooo good
Gameplay? 4/5 !
Interesting detective+card game
Is it worth playing?
yep! go ahead and give it a try
Well, at the beginning (first episode /chapter) its more like a tutorial, so you gotta be patient until you start episode 2, then you're free to make choices, investigate, etc.
That was for the gameplay, now to the storyline just OMG. The details of the characters, their background stories and everything they worked on within the story is just amazing!
Unexpected things happens and you're free to make choices,,, its really valuable,
You can also Interact with the characters, visit them and talk to them @-@.
Of course it mihoyo's work so its perfect in its own way~