蒼霧殘響 | QooApp繁體中文版

蒼霧殘響 | QooApp繁體中文版

蒼霧殘響 | QooApp繁體中文版

Lyp albert


游戏不玩苍雾残响,就像沙盒不玩我的世界,读大学不读家里蹲大学,打篮球不看菜虚鲲,生活区不 看lex,学跳舞不看党妹,读书不读唐家三少,看新闻不看观察者网,moba不玩王者农药,哔哩哔哩不关注陈睿,说明这个人文学造诣和自我修养不足,如果你早 上吃饭香甜,那一定有米桑的艰苦付出。 如果你晚上大便不通,那必定是腾讯在从中作梗。他理解不了这种内在的阳春白雪的高雅艺术,他只能看到外表的辞藻堆砌 ,参不透其中深奥的精神内核,他整个人的层次就卡在这里了

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This is gonna be big bois, the beta was great. Can't wait for all the nice booba jiggle and fat booty bounce! The men of culture will unite once more!



Pretty good game. The gameplay similar to browndust or brave nine. So in the battle your characters looks small but not chibi. The characters art looks great. For the story, i don't know because i can't read chinese but i can Understand some lines from the japanese voice and the story looks interesting. Every characters voice is amazing and even our characterer (like shikikan in azur lane and doctor in arknights) have voice. And dor the gacha, it is not good but also not bad. But for me as a gacha player i don't mind the gavha system too much as long as the game have story and characters that is interesting. by the way the ultimate skill animation is great too. If you want to add me as a friend, here is my UID: 4010214.

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