It's an enjoyable game, but if you looked at it closely, this game basically copied and pasted from Princess Connect Re:Dive (UI, ranking up system, arena system and even more similarities) other than for its gameplay. Even Kimura Yuito, the executive director at Cygames, acknowledge this and lowkey retweeted his tweet from a year ago regarding how good Priconne's UI upon this game's release.
All in all, it's an enjoyable game, but regarding the copy pasted thing, it's definitely quite insulting towards the guys who worked on Princess Connect.
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solta -kun
3.2It's an enjoyable game, but if you looked at it closely, this game basically copied and pasted from Princess Connect Re:Dive (UI, ranking up system, arena system and even more similarities) other than for its gameplay. Even Kimura Yuito, the executive director at Cygames, acknowledge this and lowkey retweeted his tweet from a year ago regarding how good Priconne's UI upon this game's release. All in all, it's an enjoyable game, but regarding the copy pasted thing, it's definitely quite insulting towards the guys who worked on Princess Connect.