一來這類型的遊戲本身重點就是在養龍這件事上 角色影響的數值並沒有太多 唯一有差的就是技能多寡而已
二來 角色使用買斷制就等於你不用負擔任何風險以及丟水溝的可能才能拿到角色 300塊一個角色已經比你各位玩其他遊戲一單便宜很多 這裡一單你能至少買到一半的角色 技能隨便配
還是你各位都很喜歡抽到傾家蕩產只為了一個角色 這樣比較爽 如果是我就不多說
至少這款的營運方式是健康的 沒有任何強迫 唯一要靠賽的只有龍的數值
是說 外掛杯的問題能不能趕快處理....真的是看那群1秒不到的霸佔前十名是真的比被狗幹還噁心....
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3.8It supports english language now. Graphics: Full 3d with chibi stickers. Very smooth. Sound: It's not fully voiced. I'm still not far enough, so the thing I heard is only chill and peaceful village bgm. Gameplay: It's a real time action (hack&slash) with exploration (in small scale) feature where you play as a party of monster riders. There are rider classes based on their weapon (fencer, warrior, lancer and mage, which all have different attack pattern) combined with the elements (fire, water, wind, electric and non-elemental). Storyline: It's about adventure of Feena (monster-loving freak) and friends to find Volzerk's (the dragon in prologue) light fragments. Value: There's no gacha. You can directly buy the charas using real money. The best is you can choose one *4 chara (highest rarity) for FREE. Meanwhile, for the monster collecting, it's mostly from the story and quest. Edit: Reached chapter 2 and honestly it's tiring (I'm not into an open world gameplay btw). Maybe I'll be back in case they made chara/monster who has auto-tracking ultra range beam skill and can explore map at the mach speed.
Frank How
4.2cute cool kinda like genshin impact but more better.hoping them to collab in the future.is pretty impress the game run good.[賣萌]