For gameplay, it only has taps and holds so no swipe notes. Notes are categorized into either tap or no tap so getting a 100% is achievable. The game starts off with giving a tutorial of the controls but everything is in Chinese at the moment. You start off with 3 songs with 3 difficulties right off the bat: EZ, HD, and IN. Game is pretty simple where the notes follow the lines and there's a health bar at the top. You get these orbs in each song difficulty (5 per song difficulty) and they can be collected. Not sure at the moment on if they're redeemable or not.
There's a total of 30 songs shown (might have more but not sure at the moment), but 3 is given for free. The rest of the songs have to be bought in a subscription fee? or either a one time fee to get access to the other songs. That costs $1.00 but if you're like me who's in the US, it doesn't seem to take currency at the moment. I tested with Google Pay and Paypal, but both doesn't work.
Overall, pretty excited to see more development to this game and hoping for a English release. Song choices are great as some of the songs from Phigros have been brought into this game.
Some cons at the moment are:
game still in Chinese (hasn't been localized yet),
can't get rid of the tapping sound when tapping,
needs a test that can make the timing for the notes correctly (instead of manually doing it),
can't access other songs (only limited to 3 at the moment)
More Reviews of This Game More
4.0little song choices(only three are for free), it recently keeps freezing
4.25The game is really really good tho. I really like this kind of graphics and the difficulty of the game itself is just right for me, but it misses swipe notes. Anyway it's a game that is really worth a try