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Neural Cloud | English

Neural Cloud | English

Neural Cloud | English

Watson Rheinlight


**Updated my ratings and review.**

TLDR (after review update):
- IDW (da nyaaa) exists. you cannot escape her. it is your fate.
- Awfully long and hand holding tutorial.
- Lacking QoL improvements, just like GFL...
- I said below that the game isn't too grindy, yes, but the Neural Fragments search is meh. You're limited to 10 attempts per day and it rewards you a little amount of the fragments.
- Voice acting, I forgot to talk about this, not all characters have vasts variety of voice lines, some of them more often than not just repeating the same line over and over again. I feel like only Persicaria that is given special treatment here.
- Only 5 deployable characters per exploration, with 3 as a backup that you can use while at preparation phase, and you're stuck with them until the end of it, which can be punishing if you bring the wrong dolls.
edit (5/12/2022): - the farming is actually hell, just like the original Girls Frontline...

##Story: Great, especially if you've played Girls Frontline before.

##Gameplay and grinding: Super fun! A roguelite that plays like Autochess. Also the game is a bit grindy but not too much, instead it was very easy to grind for stuffs. Some people even already reached Level 60 on their dolls with max upgrades. You really should play the Story mode.

##Sound design: Good, the perfect balance of not beig too loud or too weak.

##Music: Actually great! it's soothing and relaxing, sometimes can makes you feel tense.. and... ahem, OWL CITY DID A MUSIC COLLABORATION WITH NEURAL CLOUD!!! [開心]

##Gacha: Free to play friendly, but it still depends on your luck. Don't worry though, the lower rarities here are actually broken (some of them) or viable to carry you through Chapter 3. If you aren't satisfied with your first gacha, you can just reroll away~

*Update: After playing more of this game, it's actually very fun. This is the most fun I've ever had in years of playing gacha game! The story is, oh my god, it's good, some of the Dolls' names are a reference to real life objects or characters (example: Hubble was based from NASA's Space Telescope, Simo was probably a reference to Simo Hayha the White Death, and obviously Banxsy was a reference/a nod to Banksy the famous Street Artist), and the chibi models are so cute! Also, as of writing the update for this review, the game is giving away a LOT of resources for you to level up and do gacha, now's the best time to play Neural Cloud!

Neural Cloud is a spinoff game that takes place in the Girls Frontline timeline. This game is a roguelite gacha game about you, the Commander going undercover as the "Professor"leading the dolls in the Neural Cloud to survive and try to finish your mission to uncover the truth behind the incident happened in the Neural Cloud three years ago. was made by the same developer as Girls Frontline, MICA Team and was published globally by Darkwinter Software (formerly Digital Sky).

##The Biggest Letdown:
The elephant in the room, THE TUTORIAL. The tutorial is VERY handholding, it took me around 30-45 minutes to finish it. While I get why they decided to do that, they could actually just provide an option to skip it and add another option to view the tutorial in a log book or enable it as a toggleable hint in the options menu.

##The Gacha:
The pull rate for 3* (the highest rarity in the pool) is 3.6%, the game have a pity system, at your 60th pull you are guaranteed to get one 3* if you didn't pull any 3* before the 60th pull. So far I only did 30 pull on Aki's banner and haven't got him yet, but I got some good 2*.

There are two form of premium currencies, Quartz sand and Quartz. Quartz sand is obtainable through playing the game from achievements, dailies, weeklies, and other missions. Quartz sand can be exchanged with a advanced search ticket (the gacha currency), 1500 quartz sand can get you 10 advanced search tickets. While the other one, Quartz, so far can only be obtained from the shop which means you have to buy it. Quartz can be used for gacha too, there is a specific banner for it which contains all of the current banner dolls in one single banner (probably have higher pull rates too), it can also be used to buy skin/costumes.

So is it F2P friendly or is the gacha generous enough? I'll say it's kind of F2P friendly, but it will depend on how people see it, and for the gacha... as long as you're doing dailies, weeklies, and finishing hard modes you will have more than enough to hit a pity in a month for a banner.

##The Gameplay:
Gameplay is more akin to Auto Chess rather than Arknights, Alchemy Star, or Blue Archives with an exploration system that offers you branching paths that you could select to progress through, kind of like Ceobe's Fungi Mists from Arknights if you know or played it. While exploring you will of course engage enemies in a combat, and the combat goes like this; You select your dolls (before entering the stage/exploration), adjust their formation, deploy them, watch them do their own thing, and you just tap the screen providing supports in the form of activating dolls ultimate and some active skills to turn the tides of the battle.

Furthermore, this game is a non-linear. Which means if you enter a stage for the 2nd time and so on, it will be different from the 1st time you play it. Especially the exploration, it will be randomized, much like Ceobe's Fungi Mists. This game plays out like a roguelike for most of the part.

Sounds boring? yeah it does on paper.. for some people. This kind of gameplay is not for everyone, especially for people who doesn't like not having any control over their units. But for me, playing this is actually a blast, I always liked roguelites and I liked games like this, I can play this game while working on other things.

##Graphics and Sound Designs:
The graphic quality itself is good, it's nothing special but it's there. The colors aren't as bright and saturated as any other 3D anime games out there so it may look less appealing to some. The texture quality is good given you set it to high or medium, the lower you go the crappier it looks, but it runs smoother and less hot on your phone. The 3D chibi model may not be as expressive as Blue Archives', but hey they're still cute! [鬼臉]

The sound design itself is mediocre at best, it doesn't feel to impactful but it doesn't sound too weak either in a combat scenario, just don't expect Arknights level of sound design in this game, you're asking for too much. Though, the button clicks and other menu sound effects sounds pretty good in my ear.

##The Music:
The music is done by Vanguard Sound, the studio behind Girls Frontline and Punishing: Gray Raven soundtracks so you know what to expect. it mostly consists of electronics, rock, j-rock with vocal (opening), and some synthwave or electronic ambience. Almost all of it was composed by RabbitJ and some by Polyblue, they used a lot of piano and guitar instruments, they even used bass guitar for some of the soundtracks and boy they really slaps, they also used some string instruments too. Some of the soundtracks are also a rendition of the original Girls Frontline soundtrack, the easiest example is the victory screen song.

Overall the music is pretty great, but I haven't find one that makes itself lives rent free in my head, still I'm satisfied with the music.

##The Story:
The game takes place in the Girls Frontline universe in the year 2063 inside a virtual space or neural cloud called Magrasea. You are playing as the Commander (presumably the same as GFL) and going undercover as the "Professor" who is missing in the neural cloud. you are tasked by Persica to investigate what actually happened inside the Neural Cloud and uncover the truth behind the incident that took place 3 years ago in the neural cloud and find the real Professor. While it takes place in the same universe as GFL and almost the same timeline as GFL, I really cannot say if the event that took place in Neural Cloud (game) is canon or just an alternative reality from the GFL story. You still have Svarog, Sangvis, and 42Lab and IOP mentioned in the game but I really don't know if they are the same as GFL's.

This game story is very interesting if you're following GFL's story especially about the neural cloud environment that the T-Dolls always working with. This game provides you with in game glossarium (you can only access this during text cutscenes/visual novel section) explaining the lore and some background stuffs, so you don't have to worry about not able to follow through the story!

That's all from me, sorry if my review have bad wordings or hard to understand, it's my first time writing a long serious review like this. [暈]

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A solid and relatively friendly game. Character control is limited to initial positioning, a few combat directives (regenerating directive points, selected loadout) and casting ults. It's somewhat of a roguelike (with temporary upgrade pickups per stage in a branching map in most stages) in a usual stamina gatcha, but they avoided many punishing aspects of roguelike by allowing 10(!) resets per stage, 3 resets a floor, being able to exit for only 1 stamina spent. They also avoided a bunch of stam issues like letting you select rewards for stamina cost instead of forcing it all. Character building is still expensive though, although easier than most gatcha due to how their shard/dupe system works. They also have a gear+substat grind endgame which is.... at least their system appears to be on the better side of that but stil.... prepare to mald I suppose. Also, with a stamina system, as usual you're flooded early and I hear somewhat limited later, although available nonlimited challenge content will alleviate that for a while I think. However, the game is entirely PvE at the moment and the friend support system is fairly generous, so a lot can be forgiven.



To be fair, Neural Cloud is a typical anime gacha game like many others. But the main factor that set it different than others is the gameplay wise inspired by TFT (Team Fight Tactic from LoL) which is very indepth additive to both casual and hardcore players alike after get used to it. Since it also introduces a complete new storyline of what's so-called "GFL prequel", it's easy to pick up by to GFL fans - or even non GFL players (i'm at that category btw) that not able to fully experience Girl's FrontLine game back in 2018 and so on. There's maybe still some small cons like game-balance or bugs/glitches but gonna say it's much better than many games at release debut of playing for 1st impression. Medium size of the game however (3GB storage at most), but other than that it can run well on potato phones as well - depend on how Setting you want for smooth experience. That'll do for this ones, thanks for reading and hope you all love the game :3

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