For new players make sure you log in at beginning of May and November.
Nikke has biannual anniversary events at May and 4th November that gives free Max Limit Break SSRs. Rei and Smol White. At new Year they sell SSR Selector that can be obtained F2P. You also get a Selector after Level 140ish Milestone mission.
You can premium gacha around 1000 times a year, that's 40 SSRs, and 4 pities for F2P.
You get 1080 free gacha with full friend lisr a year, that's extra 10 non Pilgrim SSRs.
You get around 175,000 gacha coins annually, in 14 SSR Molds you get 9 extra SSRs.
Save pity until you break the 160 wall that requires 5 LB 3 Nikkes for Synchro Device.
The game is 'generous' but VERY expensive.
Don't buy anything that is not Battle Pass, and it's still pricey $20.
Disclaimer : I have a hate boner against Tencent due to their TencentPCQQManager once killed my laptop. I only realized Tencent had a part in this game 14 days after launch.
I played the game for 14 days when this was first written. (Now I have played for 390 days)
Why you should play NIKKE :
1. You have a nostalgia playing Virtua Cop
2. You like to collect waifu and TCG
3. We are horny for Physics Engine
4. Alteisen Mk. VI beats drop harder than the Particle Cannon Strike.
Why you might not like play NIKKE, let me tell you the story :
At 1000 power I experienced...
1. No actual pity system in standard banner, it does have pity system starting Helm's Banner.
2. New player SSR Banner is a paid only banner
3. They nerfed SSR Mold rate from 100% to 60% from Beta Test.
4. 2 hours limited packages obfuscated the best deals.
5. You want Pilgrims but despite being SSR their rates are UR (0.5% total, 0.086% each)
6. You didn't know Ether and Diesel are the worst units of their respective rank and invested in them.
7. Character Episodes are bugged and not giving rewards, now its fixed.
8. Then the game crashes and logged you out until the 2nd month of the game. Still happens sometimes.
9. The first YT video I got on playing the game is to reroll for a week straight. Still applies until today.
10. You are not told on how to upgrade Recycling Rooms and Dispatch. At anniversary, the UI are overhauled to guide you.
11. While waiting you realized Dispatch doesn't refresh after completion. It refreshes daily.
12. During release you can only upgrade Recycling Room with Post Gacha Coins. Now it's freebies.
13. You joined a union but they don't give you anything. Took them 6 months to implement Liberation Units and Union Cube Batteries grind.
14. You looked up friends but all of them are full and the search system is broken. Fixed after 1st month.
At 10000 power I experienced...
15. The Event is not even doable for new players while hardcore players can't clear the 47k power req last stage. During first week emergency maintenance, now it just takes 16000 power.
16. The game crashed and logged you out after maintenance. Fixed during emergency maintenance in a day.
17. Most likely people invested the wrong unit at this point of the game and wasted many gems.
18. You want to fill your outpost but Lost Relic is actually painful and eye straining to search. After half anniversary it's made easier.
19. You want to upgrade Tactics Academy but its so expensive. They made events very generous after feedback.
20. NIKKE Bond Levels made you struggle to get your parasocial needs fulfilled and gimped progression. Now they gives bond tickets at a generous rate.
21. You need to limit break characters but they have no Universal Bulins/Tokens/Eligmas/Limit Breaker so you have to gacha 200 times. They eased the grind every 6 months.
22. You realized 2 of the Interception rewards are locked behind Tactics Academy.
23. You realized those upgrades locked behind so deep into the campaign.
24. You filled the Power Reqs for some stages but some enemy are simply unkillable within 90 seconds. They since rebalanced the damage sponges 3 months into the game.
25. You tried some harder stages but realized a red Power Number made all of your characters hiddenly debuffed by the game - being significantly weaker.
26. You upgraded skills and turns out on some stages they do nothing. Takes them 4 months to squash every skill bug.
27. You got 50 bonus income per level but the game doubles and doubles and doubles the level up requirements. This now only applies to Core Dusts.
28. You realized one Pilgrim Tribe Tower is practically unplayable because nobody had enough Pilgrims to even enter it. You need to present at Anniversary or New Year to even start it.
29. You want to relax in Character Stories but Rapi hits you with Racism, Financial Struggle, and Social Inequality too unsubtly at the beginning. This should have been main story instead of character episode.
30. You rested for a day or two and realized you can only clear a handful of levels for the day.
31. You cleared daily and doesn't feel anything or afford any meaningful level ups nor gacha for the day.
At my current 30k power I experienced...
32. Enemies went from 27000 to 31000 power limit to clear the stages. Since June 2023, they nerfed the difficulty. They nerfed it 3 more times after.
33. Reported on YouTube every NIKKE is bugged in a game breaking way, Soline even teamkills ourselves. Been resolved 5 months in.
34. All Tierlist that people used weeks to reroll and whaling are now obsolete. Now you can use Prydwen gg's list.
35. All Burst Skill Upgrades are bugged and not working. Resolved 3 months in.
36. I have rolled 250 times in 14 days but I still don't feel powerful without right Duplicates.
37. My friends quitted this game and not even half of my power level
38. They removed the SSR Mold from events after No Caller ID.
39, I have to gacha to farm the event drop, if I fail the gacha I got no bonus and 85% of the chances came from gacha characters I barely own. The rates are now close to 100%.
40. The game conducted 2 Surveys in which has no meaningful impact so far. It takes them 6 months to completely implement the feedback.
41. I was informed about free gift codes which MOST OF THEM DOES NOT WORK. They are on short timer and count limited.
42. The free credit shop is ridiculously expensive, ineffective, worthless, and RANDOMIZED.
43. I went through Tactics Academy and spent 1000000 Credits on upgrading "Combat Portrait Income" THAT DOES NOT EXISTS IN THE GAME FOR NOW.
44. Tactics Academy lied about Core Dusts income.
Edit 1 : Combat Portrait is in Simulation Room but its not a currency.
Edit 2 : The events has been made 200% easier and rewards are increased. At first it allows you to have the best credit deals that makes every single other option obsolete.
Edit 3 : It no longer crashes so Graphics rating is raised to its actual rating.
I have nothing against SHIFT UP. It's just... I pity the developers... I really do. Thank God they made sure Kim Hyung Tae doesn't appear anywhere close fo the game. His NFT and AI record did insanely harmed the game. Cosmograph and the JP Livestream saved it.
More Reviews of This Game More
2.0I updated my review. Yes, the gameplay is appealing but sadly, i don't see a bright future for this game. Given that 10Cent is in charge, the shop is expensive af, more important, the game is leaning to CENSORSHIP. The gacha rate is bad, enemies health scale is way off from players dmg esp starting from chap 12. #10centout.
2.75First things first: THIS IS AN IDLE GAME. Adjust your expectations accordingly before going in. Graphics: worse than I thought. Even after you chose high quality (this game weirdly defaults to low quality no matter how good your phone is) the graphics are still bad. The character sprites are somehow still kind of blurry, and the environment still look pixelated somehow. Anyone who has watched trailers of the game will expect lots and lots of butt jiggle, but in reality, many of the girls' behind are covered by either a coat/jacket/shield/whatever OR by your thumb since the gameplay is press and drag. Sound: I haven't played with sound enough to rate it. However, from what little I heard, the jp dub is good. From what I see in reddit, people at least praised the voice acting in multiple dubs, not only jp, and the BGMs are also allegedly good. Gameplay: it's a rail shooter. Think house of the dead or time crisis, if you're familiar with arcade games. Whether you manual or auto it, both have advantages and disadvantages. Auto will aim at random enemy, even if the boss has already appeared. Meanwhile manual, you'll get bored fast since the girls' skills are so bland; it's either increase some stats, or just pure damage skill. Your skill activation speed is also inferior to auto, except in cases where you want to hold it. However, there are some contents where you have to manual, and from my experience in CBT, those will at least be more interesting since the difficulty is higher. Story: it's good. It's not too edgy, yet it doesn't take itself too lightly either. There's a balance between serious time and the jokes. This is what makes it shine compared to other idle games since it actually has a good, coherent storyline. Value: only the one time packs are worth it. You shouldn't ever buy crystals directly unless you're a whale. The battle pass is also overpriced in my opinion, not to mention the grind for it is also awful. Additional notes: 1)the loading screens are atrocious. Initial loading after you boot up the game is very long, the game also asks you to choose a server everytime you log in even though you've already made an account. The in-game loadings, while not too long, are numerous. Main menu to stages? Loading. Go back? Load again. Go to the base? Yep. Enter a stage and exiting it? You guessed it. It is so irritating. 2) beginner gacha experience is horrible. Note the "beginner" word. First, you can't delete an account. Well, you can, but there's a 30-day wait period. Next, you can only access the gacha after clearing stage 1-4. ALL. MANUALLY. Fortunately you can skip the tutorial dialogue to speed it up a bit. THEN, when you finally got to the gacha section, your first 10-pull will always include an SSR. Nice, right? Nope. As of launch, NIKKE boasts 44 SSR characters, with performance ranging from broken to "why is she an SSR?" and there are a LOT who tilt to the latter. If you don't care about rerolling and only want the ass, you won't have to experience this hell, but others who care to get at least 1 good character, like me, will suffer. I rerolled 14 times and by that time I'm already sick of repeating the stages so I finally relented and just use what I got. For account changing process, one thing that is good is that you can use salted emails, so you don't need to create a bunch of emails to reroll. One email is enough. After you got through that, the launch gift is really underwhelming. 20 rolls in total for a dupe intensive idle game (which genre usually shower players with pulls) is very lackluster, especially compared to another game that I reviewed recently, Path to Nowhere, where you easily get around 30 or 40 pulls at the start. Tl;dr it's an idle game. A very, very polished idle game, yes, but still an idle game. At least there are SOME actual gameplay here. The fan service is nice too, although it's held back by the aforementioned drawbacks. All in all if you like idle games, or if you've always wanted to try one, NIKKE is good to try.