寻宝人 3.4 2022-11-07 21:37:02 Report 以前玩过一段时间端游,玩起来还是比较舒服的一款游戏。但是手游属实不太行,手感太差了,完全配不上美术和音乐。而且服务器也稀烂,动不动就掉线。
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Jayson Boco II
2.0but we need english please, make english version 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 more players if they have english version please provide the english version and more improvement in the game. like pc version.
4.0The story of this game is the same as PC version so if you play PC version before you may be bored the story. Overall 8 love it [鬼臉]