Great graphics, the battle is kinda so-so and also slow-paced.. pretty casual, no energy system but there's a limit to how many times you could do special(?) daily quest/character quest, etc. Nothing special so far..
I'd say it has potential if they decide to add more feature and content in the future.
Gacha content : equipment and character.
More Reviews of This Game More
Jacob Cheah
4.0can someone tell me how to clear the last daily quest? continuous what
4.2I love the characters' personalities and voice acting. Graphics are fine, but I'd rather the graphics be toned down than the game taking up more space on my phone. I like the gameplay, but I fine it strange that a tactical RPG has an auto mode. And the gacha is very fair based on what I've seen. Loading times can be a bit long at the start, but they get better. What doesn't seem to get better are the bugs. Sometimes I open the game and my resources just displays weird, broken text. The camera during combat is completely broken. And sometimes, when you want to press the attack or end turn button, it will register the click on the tile behind it instead. If the bugs get fixed, I could see myself calling this the best mobile RPG on the market right now. Very fun, just needs a little polish.