그냥 진짜 존나 할거 없을 때 대충 할 수 있는 그런 게임이고, 나름대로 걍 괜찮은데, 컨트롤이 너무 쓰레기임.
그래픽은 한 15~20년전 게임 겜성 생각하면서하면 그럭저럭 ㄱㅊ
Nice game, ancient (I mean it. not old. ancient) graphic, one of the shittiest control among my 20 years of gaming life (starting from age of 6)
It could have been better only if it had better control, but it doesn't have it.
The graphic is acceptable for me, even it is ancient, since I do love old games from 80's or even older.
But damn, the control............