So to be 100% fair, I've never really played PUBG at all. Same goes for Fortnite. Like my main battle royale go-to is Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and it's Blackout mode. So jumping into PUBGM Lite is a brand new experience for me.
And I gotta say, getting a battle royale game running on a mobile device is pretty impressive! If you've never played PUBG before, the gameplay is as such:
You and dozens of other players are dropped into a giant open map with only one objective - kill each other and be the last person standing! Everyone starts without any weapons or gear, so it's up to you to scavenge what you can. You'll have to think carefully and plan out your movement / attacks. You could go look for supplies in crowded areas, but run the risk of getting attacked by someone with better gear. Or you could explore emptier areas, which is safer but has less quality gear.
All of the matches start the same, but the gear around the map is randomized. And after set amounts of time, you'll be forced into random parts of the map as a circle closes in. Be the last person or team standing and you'll win!
Since it's such a big game on a mobile device, the graphics and sounds are... well not that great. It runs a bit choppy, things look blocky and not very detailed, and the sound is extremely compressed. But the game works and functions like it's PC / Console counterparts, and that's the important part. So if you're looking to try a battle royale game, I'd say this is a pretty decent way to get your feet wet!
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Michael Ishibashi
4.2So to be 100% fair, I've never really played PUBG at all. Same goes for Fortnite. Like my main battle royale go-to is Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and it's Blackout mode. So jumping into PUBGM Lite is a brand new experience for me. And I gotta say, getting a battle royale game running on a mobile device is pretty impressive! If you've never played PUBG before, the gameplay is as such: You and dozens of other players are dropped into a giant open map with only one objective - kill each other and be the last person standing! Everyone starts without any weapons or gear, so it's up to you to scavenge what you can. You'll have to think carefully and plan out your movement / attacks. You could go look for supplies in crowded areas, but run the risk of getting attacked by someone with better gear. Or you could explore emptier areas, which is safer but has less quality gear. All of the matches start the same, but the gear around the map is randomized. And after set amounts of time, you'll be forced into random parts of the map as a circle closes in. Be the last person or team standing and you'll win! Since it's such a big game on a mobile device, the graphics and sounds are... well not that great. It runs a bit choppy, things look blocky and not very detailed, and the sound is extremely compressed. But the game works and functions like it's PC / Console counterparts, and that's the important part. So if you're looking to try a battle royale game, I'd say this is a pretty decent way to get your feet wet!
Satou Kirishima
5.0pls add more guns like mp5 or p90