the world is good.. i love how you need different mechanics on getting those treasures..how you need an ice weapon to disperse the lava pit, using the relic to get those heavy balls away..they can still add more treasures that needs relics..we have a huge arm that can pull things, a mine that can destroy things.. they better use all the relics in different treasures.. oh and the placements of some treasures really gives me a hard time getting!!!
mini games.. i love this part. the dream machine is also great!! star gate is also a great way to practice!
scenery..i love riding the roller coaster!!
characters..well what can i say? if she have big knockers then i want her!
rewards..getting 2gold nucli and 6black nucli on dream machine is the most generous thing they can give us.
gatcha? terrible. after the first 80 which gave us 3-5ssr.. my second and third 80 needed to reach 80 before getting get an ssr.
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5.0pls don't say it a copy of genshin or honkai. if you don't like it, don't play it. easy. it's really annoying seeing ppl saying the same thing over and over again.
3.0Creative concepts implemented and executed poorly. Visually appealing on a surface level, however there are certain aspects of the game which are limiting the potential of this game. Disclosure, this is purely my opinion of the game, and i fully understand that the development team of TOF is vastly undersized in comparison to other games such as Genshin Impact. Thus, these are simply things that i find need further improvement upon. Once again, i mean no ill will to those who favor the game as well as the development team of TOF. Character designs are in my opinion, often a hit or miss. Certain characters are well-designed to suit the aesthetic design of Tower of Fantasy. However, certain characters are designed overly simplistic or unnecessarily over the top. The design of the world of TOF is similarly lacking in my opinion. The world of TOF is in my opinion is muc too simple and linear. In other words, the world lacks complexity and vibrancy. The design of the world of TOF, in my opinion, also fails to provide a feeling of a dystopian-esque world, as per the main theme of the game. Combat in the game is similarly flawed in my opinion, due to the excessively long cooldowns for weapon skills. The combat mechanics of TOF are designed based on a weapon changing system to adapt to changes in combat. However, the excessive long cooldowns of weapon skills renders players to rely simply on a combination of press or hold attacks as the main form of combat. This, in my opinion, causes combat in TOF to feel slow and sluggish, resulting in a lack of intensity during combat. Particle effects of the game in and out of combat, in my opinion, are similarly too simple. For certain weapons in TOF, the skills of said weapons are simply too similar to effects one would find in low prodcytion cost mobile games. SFX in TOF are another discrepancy i have towards this game, due to the inconsistancy of quality. Certain SFX in TOF, namely combat SFXs are, in my opinion, extremly low in quality, especially in comparison to other anime-themed games which emphasis combat. Eg. PGR, GI, HI3, etc. The UI of the game is similary flawed is certain aspects. For example, the lack of comprehensive guides for certain puzzles in the open world and the excessive amount of keybinds for relics, items, weapons and skills respectively, and the lack of a guide for world bosses The gacha system of the game possesses a single flaw of which I am disappointed by, that being the lack of a guarantee system. Despite possesing a pity system, the gacha system of TOF does not guarantee a player the limited banner character if they have already failed to acquire said chatacter the first time hitting pity. Currently, the only method able to guarantee a player a limited banner character is by exchanging a certain amount of tokens rewarded for each pull on the limited banner, for the character. However, even this system is flawed, as the tokens obtained from the limited banners are converted to standard banner tokens at the end of the limited banner. The story of TOF, is similarly, in my opinion very linear. The narrative of the game is easily predictable, whilst other times there are often gaps in the story that disrupts the overall momentum of the story. Voice acting in the game is also disappointing in certain aspects. For example, in certain cutscnes throughout the story, there are voicelines of certain charcaters that fail to match the scenerio. I apologize for the excessively long review, and once again, I must reiterate, that this review is not meant to insult anyone who enjoys the game nor the development team of TOF. TOF undeniably possesses a certain amount of potential, however to reach this potential first requires a certain degree of polish and refinement.