Sword Unleash Blading | Global

Sword Unleash Blading | Global

Sword Unleash Blading | Global



我本人是個刀劍神域的愛好者,刀劍的遊戲我全部都玩過,我覺得這一次做的這個遊戲我很喜歡[開心],這個遊戲的聲音和動畫都做得非常的棒,而遊戲的打鬥畫面很帥,不像其他遊戲都只由一個普功或是打一下,還有遊戲不是隨便亂丟招式就能贏得,這個遊戲需要一些思考才能獲得勝利,這樣不是一直電腦打的遊戲對我來說我比較喜歡,不然遊戲會變很單調,而劇情也是有和動漫播出來有連通,而且遊戲內還有其它的劇情,所以如果喜歡刀劍神域的人,這個遊戲對你們來說一定值得一玩。[開心]( ^ω^)

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Dont listen to all the BS that people are talking about, this is a game which is most enjoyable as this game screams "F2P friendly". the staff provide social media campaigns that help you get in-game currency, free scouts etc (They have distributed over 2000 cubes in total over the past months in events and campaign) Unlike the other SAO games, this doesnt have any specifications to how you should Limit break scouts. You can combine the amount of the scouts element and almighty rainbow crystal to Limit break your scout. There is no toxicity in this game as there is no player interference when you are in battles as its you who is the only one fighting in story mode, events. This game also has their own website that lets you have access to character illustrations to download and also check what's new. Again, Dont listen as to what haters have to say about this game and just play as per your own will.



The Games great and perfect the problem is that its hard to earn diamond cubes and they need to keep working on that scout cuz 1.5 rate chance is shit it self cuz players really want to get there favorite characters and especially more events are more fun.

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