Very need English and do 2 gacha one only with weapons and another only maps, but not in the aggregate, as now! If you correct these two points in the game you can spend more than one hour.
Great concept but this game just doesn't have enough meat to go with its potatoes... For those that play this for things other than their furries fetishes, you'll know what I mean.
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3.6畫面:精緻、建模優,部分UI介面有點Lag,主要賣點是能夠互(摸)動(摸) 玩法:普普通通,探索+策略、戰鬥採 回合制 卡池:混合(武器+角色),開局無限5連,建議至少2隻你喜歡的4星角色,角色相對武器來說比較難抽 正式開局後先編隊,看角色得意武器來安排裝備 優先提升角色的好感度(有機會就摸摸的意思) 戰鬥MVP 摸!、限時免費 摸!、角色頁面 摸!(有CD) 反正就是一直 摸摸摸! 其實這是一款親近自然、友愛動物的遊戲(X
Dante' Cotton
2.4Great concept but this game just doesn't have enough meat to go with its potatoes... For those that play this for things other than their furries fetishes, you'll know what I mean.